For a number of decades, mainframe systems have served as the foundation for business applications. However, operating these decades-old legacy systems presents challenges such as inefficiency, uncertainties, and security risks and is neither cost-effective nor sustainable. Additionally, skilled programmers with strong business domain and mainframe programming skills are required to work on these systems. Application performance is affected as new loads and data are added incrementally over time. Organizations also face a significant obstacle when attempting to modify or troubleshoot outdated code. In order to remain competitive and keep up with the new technology, businesses want to make these applications more effective and efficient. mainframe modernization companies ( The process of modernizing a mainframe is referred to as «mainframe modernization.» In this process, new and improved mainframe applications and systems are introduced into an organization. Although several organizations still rely on the legacy mainframe technology for their operations, the infrastructure that is used for the technology is decades old and out of date. These older Mainframe systems, which run fundamental business applications, typically require significant upfront investment (capital expenditure) to acquire. In addition, they frequently come with a variety of supporting applications and huge amounts of data, all of which work together to support the fundamental business processes. As a result, it’s hard for businesses to replace them and keep using them until they fail. Why should your mainframe programs be updated and moved to the cloud? Mainframe applications that are running for an extended period of time typically become overloaded with additional loads as any business expands. As a result, in order to guarantee these systems’ long-term performance and efficiency, timely application maintenance and fine-tuning remain crucial. With a well-thought-out strategy, application cloud migration and modernization would ensure that the targeted goals are in line with the business goals, allowing for the fastest and most cost-effective time to market. A modern mainframe infrastructure would ensure that the underlying infrastructure is utilized to its full potential without over – or under-utilizing the resources. Choosing the appropriate cloud migration strategy, such as rewriting, rehosting, refactoring, or replatforming, is an essential part of any organization’s migration strategy. It also includes establishing the timetable, budget, and other necessary resources for the migration process. In addition, the success of migration efforts is significantly influenced by selecting the appropriate architecture. An application architecture that is optimized and tailored to the particular needs of the business can help cut operational costs and improve the overall system’s efficiency and performance. mainframe outsourcing ( As a result, lowering the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) by making an investment in mainframe application migration and modernization in the cloud can assist in establishing the ideal environment for running current workloads and planning for future requirements. Risks involved in mainframe modernization A thorough examination and analysis of the existing infrastructure as well as the identification of modernization-ready modules are part of mainframe modernization. Migration, rehosting, or completely rewriting the mainframe applications for a new environment are all examples of modernization solutions that can be used in a variety of combinations. It frequently includes migration to a hybrid or multi-cloud environment, depending on the requirements. When these scenarios are put into action, there may be some risks that, if not addressed appropriately, could cause havoc. For instance, there is a possibility that some functionality or data will be lost during the application migration. When interacting with other legacy applications or programming languages, rewriting some applications may cause some unexpected performance issues. Therefore, it is essential to locate a modernization solution that can be upgraded or modified in the future while remaining connected to other infrastructure-running legacy applications. Modernizing mainframe applications: Techniques and strategies Modernizing legacy Mainframe applications typically entails a lot more than just bringing the system up to date. Any legacy system can be modernized in a number of ways, including rewriting the entire code for the new environment or moving applications to a different platform. In addition, in order to achieve the desired level of business agility, businesses may choose to implement a variety of approaches or services, depending on the state of their applications and their objectives. Methods for modernizing mainframe applications can be broadly categorized as follows: 1. Changing It may be challenging to write new code or add new features to legacy applications because they may be written in a single, monolithic style. It might be challenging to locate appropriately skilled resources that are able to understand the code that is currently in use and carry out enhancements using the same old programming language. As a result, organizations can manually or employ automated tools to rewrite the entire code. mainframe application modernization ( 2. Replatform or Rehost You can use the existing application in the cloud without making significant changes by moving it to a new platform. To ensure proper interactions with external entities like databases, some parts of the code can be changed. 3. Change Getting rid of the old software and using an «off-the-shelf» or «ready-to-use» Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution like Salesforce or Policy Administration System (PAS) is a straightforward approach. Users can select from a variety of features and capabilities offered by these packages. When choosing this option, users should check to see if it can connect to other applications running in the environment and if it has the features they want, like user interfaces and analytical reports, so they can monitor the system’s progress. It is simple to verify whether the provider offers any assurance regarding security and compliance requirements and this method can be implemented quickly. 4. Maintain There are often times when businesses want to keep their old system at all costs. This could be because there isn’t any other system that can provide the exact functionality needed to meet all of the requirements or to prevent any complicated integrations involving multiple applications from going wrong. There is a possibility that the legacy system is only being used by the organization to produce data that is occasionally required, such as for audits or compliance. By archiving the applications to low-cost storage and only using them when necessary, businesses can keep the applications in such situations. 5. Converging DevOps Implementing DevOps for Legacy could be regarded as a significant advancement towards modernization. Using automated testing, centralized code repositories, and unified Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) are all part of a unified strategy for modernization. This prevents faster turnaround and error-free build releases and makes it possible for updated code to be integrated with the central code repository. The risks of failure can be minimized by implementing the changes in small sprints by organizations. 6. Modernization of Data The management of legacy datasets like VSAM, ISAM, IDMS, and IMS, among others, is resulting in increased costs for banks and other financial institutions, which deal with data-heavy workloads. They can get the advantages of business agility and scalability by migrating their data to modern databases. Advanced scenarios with support for mobility, cloud computing, social media, and big data are made possible by migrating to cloud-based databases or robust database systems like NoSQL. 7. Improve the old systems The legacy mainframe systems’ overall efficiency can be improved by making better use of the resources that are already available. The mainframe MIPS utilization could be optimized and controlled through monitoring and control, resulting in cost savings. It is possible to reduce MIPS utilization by 12-35% within six months by monitoring the systems, workloads, databases, and mainframe application code. 8. Access via API The creation of APIs for the integration of various systems makes it simple to carry out multiple tasks or share information. APIs can be used to customize and expose legacy monolithic applications to take advantage of this. To accomplish this, applications must be rewritten as microservices that can be accessed through API calls and decoupled into distinct functions. This makes it simple for mainframe systems to connect to other platforms and applications, expanding their capabilities. Benefits of Modernizing Mainframes The following are the main advantages of moving mainframes to the cloud: Operative effectiveness A substantial expenditure is needed to accommodate the entire infrastructure needed to run mainframe systems. The infrastructure needs to be monitored and secured, which raises the cost of running the systems. The transition to a current cloud-based model can help in lowering operating costs and saving time spent on managing and maintaining the infrastructure that houses the mainframe applications (such as patching and upgrades). Greater Automatism Updating the technology makes it possible to automate a variety of other tasks, such as health checks and routine audits, in addition to automating maintenance. Additionally, ML – and AI-based automation further facilitates the handling of any input errors or anomalies, enhancing business continuity. Increased output The IT staff won’t have to work as hard to move the old elephant if the legacy systems are moved to an automated setup. They can concentrate on other issues at a higher level instead of spending time fixing bugs in the code. Ability Shift By migrating to more recent platforms, businesses must not rely on the senile coders who wrote the mainframe software. They profit from the numerous skill sets that young engineers and coders possess. In addition, by choosing to modernize with open-source software, they can avoid vendor lock-ins by utilizing fresh engineering talent. Advantage over rivals Systems gain a competitive advantage by becoming more adaptable to new trends and innovations through the adoption of new technology. The modern platform gives businesses the ability to adapt to any new situation, like new product launches or marketing events, giving them an advantage over competitors in the market. VRG Technologies for Legacy: Rapid Mainframe Application Migration and Modernization VRG Technologies is a framework driven by automation that assists in converting your applications to run effectively in the cloud. Automated discovery, functional domain decoupling, and accelerated migration are all made possible by the platform’s combination of partner tools and proprietary accelerators. The emphasis placed on automation accelerates the process of holistic digital transformation and ensures that their mainframe modernization and migration to the cloud will not cause business disruption. Mainframe Modernization Services ( ———————————— Цей документ було скопійовано з ( Всі права на матеріал зберігаються за його автором. При перепублікуванні посилання на джерело матеріалу є обов’язковим! Дата документу: 6 січня 2023 р.