MAVI STEP Aurora is a kit of premium products and accessories for cleaning, stain removal, colour restoration, and nourishing, moisturizing, and softening suede, nubuck, velour, and other matte and velvet leathers. – Cleansing. The MAVI STEP Aurora Kit is the best kit for quick cleaning of any suede or nubuck goods. – Stain removal. With our effective MAVI STEP Vel Vel liquid cleaner, stubborn stains can be removed without damaging the item. – Colour restoration. Restore or refresh faded colours in two to three minutes with our unique MAVI STEP Multi Oil Balm. – Hydration. Give your suede or nubuck goods the necessary moisture to prevent them from drying out and cracking over time. – Softening. Restore the softness of your favourite suede or nubuck goods in a few minutes to make them look like new again. Order the MAVI STEP Aurora Kit today and get free delivery to any location in Ukraine! Delivery of the MAVI STEP Aurora Kit to EU countries and the UK will cost you only €9.99. Link to the product — Link to the product — MAVI STEP ( вулиця Полярна, 19 Київ, 02000 Україна Web: ———————————— This document has been copied from ( All rights reserved by author of the material. In case of re-publication, the link to the source of the material is strongly required! Document date: October 26, 2022