In a world where all must compete with iPhone, Samsung is doing quite well. On Monday, the electronics maker said that it has shipped about seven million Galaxy S smartphones worldwide, with three million coming from the U.S. alone, Reuters reports. The Android-powered device launched on all U.S. carriers in July. Samsung’s biggest problem has been keeping pace with demand. «We’re in a situation where we wish we had more supply,» Chief Marketing Officer Paul Golden told Reuters ( The company would be fine, but has faced supply shortages for its AMOLED screens. It is working to boost production of the component. Samsung supplies other companies with screens as well. Previously, the manufacturer has stated that it will ship 20 million Galaxy S phones by the end of the year and an additional 1 million Galaxy S tablets, a tablet about half the size of the iPad and built on the same technology as the Galaxy S phones. Still, it’s difficult to be excited about any of these numbers when the iPhone is selling 14-15 million units a quarter and it’s only on one U.S. carrier. The Galaxy S series is available on every major U.S. carrier. Is it fair to compare the Galaxy S to the iPhone? Should we hold other companies to a lower standard? ———————————— This document has been copied from ( All rights reserved by author of the material. In case of re-publication, the link to the source of the material is strongly required! Document date: November 9, 2010