– ImageMagic (к ImageMagic нужно поставить шрифт (https://favor.com.ua/en/blogs/33758.html), AGOpusFavorit-Bold) – inkscape — sudo apt install inkscape на aws. ВНИМАНИЕ! Вместе с Inkscape сразу ставится и ImageMagick автоматом! – jpegoptim – optipng – gifsicle (на CentOS собирать руками из https://github.com/kohler/gifsicle) – svgo (из npm) – winrar. Т.е. просто rar. Ещё из полезного: – настройка postfix: https://logic.edchen.org/how-to-rewrite-return-path-and-sender-address-in-postfix/ Настройка PHP и PHP-FPM: – Правильные юзер и группа в PHP-FPM – short_open_tag = On – output_buffering = Off – expose_php = Off – max_execution_time = 240 (originally 30) – max_input_time = 120 (originally 60) – memory_limit = 400M (originally 128M) – post_max_size = 80M (originally 8M) – upload_max_filesize = 80M (originally 2M) – max_file_uploads = 60 (originally 20) – date.timezone="Europe/Kiev" – mail.add_x_header = Off (originally On) – session.name = PSID ———————————— This document has been copied from FAVOR.com.ua (https://favor.com.ua/en/blogs/33747.html). All rights reserved by author of the material. In case of re-publication, the link to the source of the material is strongly required! Document date: March 26, 2021