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Changing Regional Setting in Windows (CSV imports)

This solution will assist where clients are trying to import reports from a CSV file and they appear on the first column. The issue is with Regional settings and it has been tested on Win 7

Windows 7

  1. Close the Excel application
  2. Click on the Windows/Start button
  3. Select Control Panel
  4. Select Region and Language
  5. Click on Formats Tab
  6. Click on Additional Settings
  7. Locate the List separator
  8. Change the Decimal separator from a full stop (.) to a comma (,) 
  9. Then click on Apply then Ok
  10. Under the Formats Tab click on Apply then Ok
  11. Test the Excel import again

NB: If it does not work, try rebooting the machine, and test again.

Windows 8/10

To change regional settings,

  • go to Start > Control Panel > Regional and Language Options | Windows 10  (Start >type Control Panel and press enter > Region)
  • Click Additional Settings
  • For Decimal Symbol, enter a dot: .
  • For List Separator, enter a comma: ,

Now, when you open a CSV file in Excel it will automatically find the data fields and open it appropriately.
