Open Media Forum is an annual event that brings together leading media experts, journalists, educators, and representatives from the media industry since 2015. The forum aims to discuss current issues and challenges faced by the modern information society while promoting media literacy and cultural awareness in society. What Open Media Forum ( is known for? Platform for Knowledge and Experience Exchange: Open Media Forum provides a unique platform for knowledge and experience exchange among media experts and industry professionals. One of the key objectives of the forum is to build a dialogue and discuss various approaches to resolving issues related to media literacy. The Role of Media in Shaping Public Opinion: The forum pays special attention to the influence of media on shaping public opinion. Specialists discuss the importance of objective and reliable information, as well as the role of journalism in strengthening democratic values and freedom of speech. Open Media Forum brings together media professionals to formulate new media strategies and celebrate outstanding professionals in the field based on the judges’ criteria. Awards and Recognition that nominees recieve: – The «MediaMind» award for contributions to the development of media literacy and critical thinking in the information space. – The «MediaInnovator» award for innovative approaches and contributions to the development of media technologies and projects. – The «MediaEthics» recognition for high journalistic ethics standards and objectivity in reporting events. – The «MediaImpact» award for active participation in social projects and contributions to increasing public awareness. – The «MediaVoice» award for creative approaches and the ability to engage the audience in important topics and issues. – The «MediaCollaborator» award for successful partnerships between media organizations and joint contributions to media education and information security. Focus on New Media Technologies: Open Media Forum actively explores and discusses new media technologies and their impact on the information sphere and society as a whole. Experts discuss emerging trends in the media industry and their potential consequences. Collaboration with Educational Institutions: The forum actively collaborates with national universities, academies, and other educational institutions. Forum specialists share their experience and knowledge with future media professionals. Supporting Emerging Talents: Open Media Forum serves as a platform for supporting and showcasing new talents in the media industry. Young journalists, TV presenters, and bloggers have the opportunity to interact with experienced professionals and receive valuable advice and recommendations. Engagement with Media Industry Representatives: The forum provides a unique opportunity for media industry representatives to exchange experiences and discuss current industry issues. Strategies for development, innovative approaches, and methods for improving the quality of information products are discussed here. Interactive Learning Formats: Open Media Forum offers a variety of interactive learning formats, including workshops, training sessions, panel discussions, and roundtable discussions. This allows participants to be actively involved in the learning process and acquire practical knowledge and skills. Influence on the Modern Information Society: The forum plays a crucial role in shaping the information culture of society. Through active discussions and knowledge exchange, Open Media Forum contributes to the development of an informed and critical-thinking society capable of effectively perceiving and analyzing information in all its manifestations. The jury members of Open Media Forum consist of outstanding professionals in the media industry, representatives from various fields, and experienced experts who have made significant contributions to the development of the information space and media literacy. Among them: – Yurii Dudka: Renowned media expert (, educator, and cultural activist, founder, and head of the MediaStar TV School. Actively contributes to the development of media literacy and critical thinking among a wide audience. – Nadezhda Matveeva: Experienced journalist and TV presenter with a rich background in various media. Made a significant contribution to the development of journalism and the media space. The renowned TV host of «Vse bude dobre» (eng. «Everything Will Be Alright») program on STB channel. – Tatiana Gonachrova: Well-known media entrepreneur, founder, and head of successful media projects. Actively promotes innovative approaches and the development of the media industry. – Alexey Semyonov: Expert in information security and data protection, implementation of modern media technologies. Plays a significant role in ensuring the information stability and security of society. Founder of Priamyi TV channels. – Pavel Kostitsyn: Experienced journalist and commentator specializing in current media topics and events. Contributed significantly to the development of quality journalistic reporting. Works STB channel. ( – Masha Efrosinina: Renowned TV presenter and media expert with many years of successful career in the media industry. Actively supports and develops cultural and media space. Works as a TV host on Novyi Kanal. The combined efforts of the Open Media Forum jury ensure the successful organization of the event, create an atmosphere of professional knowledge and experience exchange, and contribute to the development of information culture and media literacy in society. Their participation gives the forum significance and makes it a significant event for the media industry and education. Oksana Shevchenko ———————————— This document has been copied from ( All rights reserved by author of the material. In case of re-publication, the link to the source of the material is strongly required! Document date: July 24, 2023