“Favorites of Success” logo Alef-vinal — company profile
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Green Day
Favorite of Celebrities — 2019 in category
Ukrainian vodka

Absolute Favorite
Villa Krim
Absolute Favorite — 2019 in category
Ukrainian wine

Favorite of Experts
Favorite of Experts — 2019 in category
Imported Brandy / Cognac

Favorite of Celebrities
Green Day
Favorite of Celebrities — 2018 in category
Ukrainian vodka

Favorite of Celebrities
Villa Krim
Favorite of Celebrities — 2018 in category
Ukrainian wine

Favorite of Celebrities
Villa Krim
Favorite of Celebrities — 2017 in category
Ukrainian sparkling wine (champagne)

+38 (056) 732 2692
Украина, 49083, г. Днепропетровск,
ул. Собинова, 1.
Trade marks by Alef-vinal:
Adjari, presented in following category:
Green Day, presented in following category:
Helsinki, presented in following category:
Kosher, presented in following category:
Marlin, presented in following category:
Solod, presented in following category:
Villa Krim, presented in following categories:
Довбуш, presented in following category:
Жан-Жак, presented in following category:
Клинков, presented in following category: