“Favorites of Success” logo Kilon Group — company profile
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Kilon Group

The Klion Group Company is the guarantee of high-quality seafood supplied to Ukrainian market from different corners of the world. Other our achievements will only prove that We are the best in this business! This statement is not too high-profile taking into consideration our wide experience and professional progress.

Properly set tasks ask and their sound performance determine our Company’s work style. Consecutive approach to their identification and realization allowed us to elaborate a definite strategy to achieve effective results. This approach enabled us to outperform our competitors and occupy the top place among companies importing and trading frozen fish and seafood.

Mutually beneficial cooperation and honest business relations are the assets we offer to our partners. Desire to meet our clients’ and customers’ needs, using high-tech equipment in the production and unlimited potential of its personnel ensure Klion Group’s success.

Kilon Group
(061) 228-52-82
г. Запорожье, 69106, ул. Скворцова, 236
Trade marks by Kilon Group:
Veladis, presented in following categories: