Міський центр сімейного здоров’я та андрогінекології
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If you are a representative of “Міський центр сімейного здоров’я та андрогінекології”, you can easily update the information by signing up with the email info@medic-bis.com.ua.
The system will recognize you as the company representative and automatically provides you with privileges to update the information once you validate the ownership of email.
If you’re not the representative of the company, but still would like to provide information that needs to be updated on this page (eg send a fresh vector logo),
please drop a message to webmaster@favor.com.ua.
We’ll try to quickly review your edits.
Please send logos only in vector format: AI, EPS, CDR or SVG. Raster images like JPG or PNG is almost always useless in this online-catalog.
Міський центр сімейного здоров’я та андрогінекології