“Favorites of Success” logo Vishpha | Фармацевтична фабрика Vishpha — company profile
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Vishpha | Фармацевтична фабрика Vishpha

DKP Pharmaceutical Factory LLC – it is a manufacturing company with years of experience of the production liquid medicines. From 1938 company produce drugs from the chemicals substances and herbal extracts( soft and liquid forms).

Pharmaceutical Factory is located in Ukraine. Successfully works in the Russia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kirgistan and other markets. During last years company is going thought the reconstruction process according to the GMP standards.

At this stage we are going to introduce new drugs to the market and looking for the cooperation with new partners to produce new drugs and promote then in the new and existing markets.

Favorite of Consumers — 2019 in category
Medication for the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract

Favorite of Consumers
Favorite of Consumers — 2018 in category
The drug from constipation

Favorite of Consumers
Гедерин Плющ
Favorite of Consumers — 2018 in category
The medication from cough

Absolute Favorite
Absolute Favorite — 2018 in category
Medication for the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract

Favorite of Experts
Живокосту мазь
Favorite of Experts — 2018 in category
Medication for the treatment of diseases of the joints

Favorite of Experts
Favorite of Experts — 2018 in category
The external use drug from muscle and joint pains

Favorite of Consumers
Favorite of Consumers — 2017 in category
Medication for the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract

Favorite of Consumers
Favorite of Consumers — 2017 in category
The drug from constipation

Favorite of Consumers
Гедерин Плющ
Favorite of Consumers — 2017 in category
The medication from cough

Favorite of Consumers
Favorite of Consumers — 2017 in category
The medicinal product for treating throat diseases

Favorite of Consumers
Favorite of Consumers — 2016 in category
Medication for the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract

Vishpha | Фармацевтична фабрика Vishpha
(0412) 48-11-31
(0412) 48-11-28
ул. Королёва, 4
с. Станишовка, Житомирский р-н, Житомирская обл.
Company “Vishpha | Фармацевтична фабрика Vishpha”:
Vishpha, presented in following category:
Preparations by “Vishpha | Фармацевтична фабрика Vishpha”:
Malipin, presented in following categories:
Neoprinosin, presented in following category:
Pikosen, presented in following category:
Vipratox, presented in following category:
Амброксол-Вішфа, presented in following category:
Беліса, presented in following categories:
Гедерин Плющ, presented in following category:
Екзік, presented in following category:
Живокосту мазь, presented in following category:
Лоратадин, presented in following category:
Люгс, presented in following category:
Маліпін, presented in following category:
Меморин, presented in following category:
Меновазан, presented in following category:
Розтиран, presented in following category:
Урохолум, presented in following category: