“Favorites of Success” logo Vitmark Ukraine — company profile
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Vitmark Ukraine

«Vitmark-Ukraine» Company is one of the largest Ukrainian manufacturers of juices, nectars, juicy and soft drinks, baby food and semi-finished products like purees and concentrates.

  • Year of establishment – 1994.
  • Company’s juices market share comprises 27,5%.
  • The sales volume of the Company in 2010 comprised 970 mln UAH.

The main production plant of «Vitmark-Ukraine» Company is Odessa Baby Food Cannery. The choice of this plant was determined by its unique production capacity; a high reputation of the plant, which was the leader of Soviet Union baby-food market, confirmed the rightness of the choice. The plant cooperates with large agricultural enterprises located in the south of Ukraine.

Huge aseptic containers, located on production site in Odessa Region, allow to preserve fresh juice, made from fresh fruit, gathered within this area, without using preservatives during one year. Rakhnyansko-Lesovoy Cannery (village Rakhny-Lesovye, Vinnitsa Region)produces concentrated apple juice and apple purees.

Odessa Baby Food Cannery was founded in 1867 as a private cannery.

During the existence of Soviet Union the cannery covered about 60% of baby-food needs of USSR. Several generations of Soviet people grew up on «Rumyanye Schchechki», «Kudesnik», «Nezhenka», baby-food, produced by Odessa Baby Food Cannery.

In addition according to the special order, starting from the mid sixties the plant produced food for Soviet cosmonauts.

In 90-s Odessa Baby Food Cannery entered a new stage of development – «Vitmark-Ukraine» Company reconstructed the plant, equipped it with the latest western equipment and started to prepare it for the production of high-quality juices under «Jaffa» trademark.

Nowadays «Vitmark-Ukraine» is one of the leaders of Ukrainian market of juices, nectars, juicy drinks and baby food, and it’s also an absolute leader of innovations. Due to TM «Jaffa» fruit expertise the Company has produced the largest number of product innovations in Ukraine for 15 years of its existence on Ukrainian market.

Company’s products are recognized and popular not only within Ukraine, but far beyond its limits – juices and nectars of «Vitmark-Ukraine» are exported in 21 countries of the world, located on four continents (Eurasia, Northern America, Africa, Australia).

Company’s Branches are opened in 11 large cities of Ukraine, there are remote offices and 6 focus teams in 14 cities. Our Company team unites inspired active, dedicated and success oriented people, targeted to the professional growth. Big and united team of the Company comprises more than 2,500 people.


«Vitmark-Ukraine» Company has won more 60 prizes in international exhibitions and tasting competitions for taste and quality and for innovative technologies for 17 years on the Ukrainian

Vitmark Ukraine
+38 (0482) 34 4042
+38 (0482) 34 40 43
+38 (0482) 34 4043
Одесский консервный завод детского питания
пер. Высокий, 22, г. Одесса, 65028, Украина
Trade marks by Vitmark Ukraine:
Aquarte, presented in following category:
Jaffa, presented in following category:
Jaffa Ice Tea, presented in following category:
Ice tea
Джусік, presented in following category:
Наш Cік (ОКЗДХ), presented in following category:
Наш Сік, presented in following category:
Соковита, presented in following category:
Чудо-Чадо, presented in following category:
Baby food