We want to remind that May 28, in the concert hall of the «Ukrainian House» will be an Awarding Ceremony of the «Favorites of Success», with special show-program, with participation of well-known performers and the stars of Ukrainian show-business! We give a guarantee that every active consumer, who vote in 200 and more nominations of the Contest (https://favor.com.ua/en/vote/), will get an invitation to the Awarding Ceremony, could take participation in the drawing of additional prizes, which will be given out during the show-program! The upcoming ceremony will be anniversary and will be put the fifth time! All invited could expect for the pleasant surprises from the partners and sponsors!:) Vote for the favorite trade marks! (https://favor.com.ua/en/vote/) Let the best of them to Win! Upd. Announce video which being tranlated on TV (https://favor.com.ua/download/media/announce2007.avi) (72 Mb) ———————————— This document has been copied from FAVOR.com.ua (https://favor.com.ua/en/news/ceremony-announce-2007/). All rights reserved by author of the material. In case of re-publication, the link to the source of the material is strongly required! Document date: April 29, 2008