Deletion of companies from the catalog

You have noticed some companies, which by some reason has been out of business and don’t work anymore on Ukrainian market? Possibly, you think that some companies, which take participation in the poll, do not fit the “Cleaning services” category?

Please select the companies which not work, or not fit the category, and they will be deleted after review by administration.
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Argelini Argelini
Жаль что в списке нету компаний Домашний Уют они профессионалы!
Argelini Argelini
Надеюсь скоро в опросе появиться клиновая компания «Домашний Уют»
Juli90002 Juli90002 +1
MasterHouse!!! супер
Myxomor Myxomor comments positively on Make Clean
Рекомендую! И голосую за Make Clean
ГaннaAннa ГaннaAннa from the tablet
Голосую за MasterHouse
saganik saganik
MasterHouse мне нравится
Modified by author,
Mapинa_L Mapинa_L comments positively on Make Clean +1
Make Clean ни разу не подводили! Рекомендую!
Angelinchik Angelinchik
Спасибо за советы.
Dimon4ikkk Dimon4ikkk +1
ghdkfhivu ghdkfhivu comments on Comfort House
Comfort House
id168897-Александр Коноводов Александр Коноводов
Comfort House
DenisRnovskiy DenisRnovskiy comments on MasterHouse
Лучшая компания
yar_pro yar_pro comments positively on MasterHouse
MasterHouse всегда оказыввают услуги на высоте.
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