“Favorites of Success” logo Crab sticks :: Consumers survey results of for 3 quarter of 2018
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Consumers survey results of for 3 quarter of 2018 in category
Seafoods / Crab sticks
Info The annual ratings by results of Consumers survey calculated as average arithmetic mean rank, obtained in each of 4 quarters of year.
I quarter (january—march)
II quarter (april—june)
III quarter (july—september)
IV quarter (october—december)
1. VICI  68.37% 5
2. Водный мир  48.98% 3.58
3. Санта Бремор (Santa Bremor) 27.55% 2.01
Альбатрос  3.06% 0.22
Эконом маркет (Santa Bremor) 3.06% 0.22
Crab Gurman (Flagman Seafood) 2.04% 0.15
Родині на користь! (Vodny Mir) 2.04% 0.15
Esva (Viciunai group) 1.02% 0.07
Pelikan (Vodny Mir) 1.02% 0.07

Notice Using this rating is only possible with obligatory link to the source.
This rating was built as a result of the study of social preferences in 2018, under the “Favorites of Success” Contest in Ukraine and it’s the free information. In case of full or partial republishing of the information drawn from this rating, it is obligatory to mention the name of the “Favorites of Success” Contest in printed publications, or put an active hyperlink to this page in the electronic media.
Advanced reporting booklet about the study, including demographics of the respondents, by regional breakdown, information roll-call of ad hoc judges etc, can also be obtained from managers of the contest.