Deletion of trade marks from the catalog

You have noticed some marks, which by some reason has been out of business and don’t work anymore on Ukrainian market? Possibly, you think that some marks, which take participation in the poll, do not fit the “Embedded oven” category?

Please select the marks which not work, or not fit the category, and they will be deleted after review by administration.
To select more than one item — press and hold CTRL button.
all in a row | positive | negative
Валентин (*.103.170) comments positively on Perfelli
Замовили кухонне обладнання Perfelli. Вже сім років користуємось.
flafi flafi
в мене Pyramida я задоволена дуже. Вже 5 роківв працює на ура, і ціна доступна
ya_mashka ya_mashka
Сегодня заказали Pyramida F 84 TIX-почитали отзывы-соотношение цена-качество отличное!Думаю не прогадали!
554681111 554681111 comments on Samsung
Елена (*.186.180) comments positively on Samsung
Вот уже второй год пользуюсь встраиваемым духовым шкафом "Самсунг" претензий никаках. Выглядит очень эстетично, очень прост в использовании, за все время не испортила ни одного блюда.
Лиза (Crimea (under Russian occupation))
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Achtung! Please be polite! Although that modertors of this web-portal are excessively democratic, any unethical, unqotable or just rude expressions, which abuse other visitors of this web site, can be deleted. Also will be deleted any spam and public comments with private phone numbers.