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Here you can inform us about a trade mark missing at “Spreads and sandwich butters” category.

Warning: Only those marks which products are distributed in Ukraine can take part in the poll. The private label marks that belongs to specific commercial establishments, which sells production of those marks exclusively, can not take part in the poll.

Please specify correct title of the trade mark in Ukrainian language. It is possible to use latin letters or other signs if they appear in trade mark’s exact title at Ukrainian market.

(Information will appear at the catalog much sooner, if you find the link to the web site.)

all in a row | positive | negative
Muroslava30 Muroslava30 from the phone
Некупую взагалі
vivas vivas
Не беру и вам не советую
id136927-Олександр Онис Олександр Онис
VRI74 VRI74 comments on Schedro (Щедро)
Спред " Селянский» 72% качеством даже превосходит «Тульчинку»
Люда_кис (*.132.195) comments positively on Tulchinka (Tulchin butter-cheese factory)
Тульчинка – молодец, я тоже только их покупаю
Наташа (*.243.203) comments positively on Schedro (Щедро)
отменная продукция!
Наташа (*.243.203) comments positively on Schedro (Щедро)
Хочу отметить отменное качество спредов Щедро
pavlev pavlev
Мне по вкусу ТМ ЛЮБОМИЛК, но я ее в рейтенге ПОКА не вижу;(
grinder grinder comments positively on Tulchinka (Tulchin butter-cheese factory)
Самое вкусное, и шоколадное у них классное)
Lana222 Lana222 comments positively on Tulchinka (Tulchin butter-cheese factory)
Я спреды не ем почти, берем летом на дачу, в основном «Тульчинка»
Kotya Kotya comments positively on Maslyana korivka (АВІС)
масло Авис — натурально и вкусно — очень люблю
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Achtung! Please be polite! Although that modertors of this web-portal are excessively democratic, any unethical, unqotable or just rude expressions, which abuse other visitors of this web site, can be deleted. Also will be deleted any spam and public comments with private phone numbers.