– Edit my.ini in Windows (or /etc/my.cnf in Linux) in of the mySQL server. – Add old_passwords=1 to [mysqld] section (UPD. Not necessary!) – Add skip-secure-auth to [mysqld] section – Restart MySQL service (in Windows) or execute /etc/init.d/mysqld restart (on Liniux). – Connect to mySQL server under the root and execute some following commands: – (Not necessary but just to make sure that previous steps was successful, and to make sure that old-style passwords of MySQL version prior to 4.1 is allowed) SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%password%"; – USE mysql; – SET password FOR 'username'@'host'=OLD_PASSWORD('password'); – UPDATE user SET plugin='mysql_old_password' WHERE user="username" AND host="host"; – FLUSH privileges; That’s all! Try to connect to MySQL database with your old MySQL-client. If you will get errors like client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading mysql client then you probably did something wrong in previous steps. You may also download Zeos Database Explorer 1.5.21 (https://favor.com.ua/download/?file=48722) from attachment, or even its source code (https://favor.com.ua/download/?file=48723) in Delphi. Zeos Library available at SourceForge (http://sourceforge.net/projects/zeoslib/). ———————————— Этот документ был скопирован с FAVOR.com.ua (https://favor.com.ua/ru/blogs/25254.html). Все права на материал сохраняются за его автором. При перепубликации, ссылка на источник материала обязательна! Дата документа: 29 октября 2015 г.