Марианна Петрушевская
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Marianna Petrushevskaya was born on March 6, 1990 in Krivoy Rog. It is a city that ignites a lot of stars in Ukrainian show-biz.

Not only the place where Marianna was born is interesting, but also the date. In two days Ukraine celebrates the Women’s Day. Maybe it is because of this she had a gift of not only a beautiful voice and huge talent from her birth, but she is also extraordinarily feminine and a charming flirt.

Marianna Petrushevskaya is an heiress of the well-known family Petrushevskie who owned count titles and huge estates. This family has always been famous for their talented female singers. Marianna was named in honour of two grandmothers, Maria who was a virtuoso pianist, and Anna being a recognized opera singer. The famous opera diva, Olga Petrushevskaya , who was a Princess, and sang for the Emperor Nicholas in Saint-Petersburg during the revolution, achieved particular success in vocal arts. She was also a leading singer of the opera theatre in Saint-Petersburg. Given such impressive genealogy it was not difficult to forecast this girl’s future.

Having inherited such wonderful vocal and musical genes, Marianna showed her talent even as a young child. This child apparently had God’s blessing which is why her parents did everything to develop her talents. At the age of 4 Marianna entered the Jango vocal music studio (the leader was Natalia Krymskaya) and became the studio’s leading singer. The same year she began her studies at the musical school No. 3 and fortunately found herself in the class of the talented teacher, Tatiana Bem.

But Mari does not live only for singing. She is also a breaker of men’s hearts. This was shown in kindergarten when she charmed three boys at the same time. They were all content to be called Marianna’s boyfriends without complaint. And it is no wonder because it was not possible to resist her charms, sweet smile and killer eyes even then! Yet in childhood a short version of her name ‘à la française’, Mari, was established to match her flirty character and charm.

At the age of 5 Marianna had begun her way to fans’ hearts collecting hundreds of them thanks to her strong energy, beautiful voice and spontaneity. The list of festivals where little Mari took part is impressive.

At the Divogray Festival Marianna was named the Hope of the Festival in the Best Debut category.

In 1998 the mass-media became interested in the girl’s talents. The first article in the Question-Answer newspaper appeared about Marianna with the title «A young girl from Krivoy Rog in Hollywood».

Marianna continues to win over the public at various concerts and festivals and in 2002 she became a laureate of the Hope of Ukraine in the event «Voices of Ukraine».

Notwithstanding her flirty image, Mari has ambitions that many would envy. That is why she is not going to abandon her current path and she intends to bring joy to her fans with her singing and to improve her performance skills. Besides this, Mari writes wonderful songs and music. In 2005 Marianna entered the piano department of the Krivoy Rog Regional Musical College, the class of the internationally recognized teacher, Margarita Kratinova.

Having charmed a huge number of listeners in her native city and at various Ukrainian festivals Mari has decided to win the capital of Ukraine, too. Many of her friends and fans believe that thanks to her huge charm, luxurious voice and positive energy Kiev will not be able to resist her.

In 2009 Marianna moved to the capital of Ukraine and entered the National Academy of the Managerial Personnel of Culture and Arts.

In 2010, following the example of many well-known world and Ukrainian singers, Marianna began working as a model and actress. Marianna’s charisma and classical beauty have helped her achieve success in these fields, too. Although her main occupations still remain music and singing.

Марианна Петрушевская
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