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Козирна карта
Phones:(044) 206 60 60
+38(044) 206 60 66
г. Киев, 01054,
ул. Воровского, 33
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Establishments by “Козирна карта”:
China White , presented in following category:
Da Vinci fish club , presented in following category:
Pulman , presented in following category:
Spaghetti паста-бар , presented in following category:
Авто-гриль Мисливець , presented in following category:
Ані , presented in following category:
Два Бобри , presented in following category:
Дежавю , presented in following category:
Казбек , presented in following category:
Калинка-Малинка , presented in following category:
Караван , presented in following category:
Козачок , presented in following category:
Козачок Щасливе , presented in following category:
Колесо , presented in following category:
Кондитерская (Мечникова-2) , presented in following category:
Креп Dе Шин , presented in following category:
Майами Блюз , presented in following category:
Мамбо , presented in following category:
Нирвана Lounge , presented in following category:
Нон-стоп , presented in following category:
Пена , presented in following category:
Пикассо , presented in following category:
Сарай-Бабай , presented in following category:
Скатерть Самобранка , presented in following category:
Спотикач , presented in following category:
Тандир , presented in following category:
Тюбетейка , presented in following category:
Хінкалі , presented in following category:
Чайка , presented in following category:
Чиполлино , presented in following category:
Шато , presented in following category:
Hotels by “Козирна карта”:
Bakkara Art-hotel , presented in following category:
Chains “Козирна карта”:
Годзилла , presented in following category:
Нобу , presented in following category:
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