Мы делаем мир товаров и услуг понятным для потребителей, даём им
возможность оперативно получать всю необходимую информацию и сознательно
выбирать для себя наилучшее.
Our principles
Доброжелательность — мы с уважением относимся
к нуждам и времени каждого посетителя нашего ресурса.
Открытость — мы предоставляем потребителям полную
информацию о компаниях которой обладаем. Владея информацией, мы обязательно предоставим
Вам доступ к ней.
Достоверность — прежде чем предложить Вам информацию,
наши специалисты тщательно проверяют её достоверность.
During the quarantine period we're working in regular mode, although outside the office. So it's better to email us with any questions, rather than call us (we're temporary hide our phone numbers). We're responding quickly on emails.
У нас множество грандиозных планов по поводу развития данного проекта, и мы
активно продвигаемся в определённых направлениях. Если у вас также
есть интересные идеи по поводу развития этого проекта, или мысли о другом возможном
виде сотрудничества с конкурсом «Фавориты Успеха» — обязательно свяжитесь с нами!
Rights and Disclaimers
FAVOR.com.ua — information project of the “Favorites of Success” Award in Ukraine (by “Favorites of Success, LLC”) and is privately held. Owners and employees of the “Favorites of Success” are not related to any other company, trade mark or person involved to independant rating research and represented in online-catalog on FAVOR.com.ua. Also the Award does not have any relation to any political or government organizations, and does not supported by them. The information provided by users (visitors) of this web-site may diverge from the official information and do not correspond to reality. Points of view expressed by visitors to this site on its pages (in comments, blog records or articles) may not shared by the owners of the site.
The image of the “Favorites of Success” Award is registered trademark and is the property of “Favorites of Success LLC”. All other trademarks and companies represented on this site, their names, slogans, logos and other registered symbols are the sole property of their respective owners.
All rights to the information found on this site are protected in accordance with the Ukrainian and international legislation.
Any use of any information materials (eg text, photos) with non-profit purpose is possible without permission of the authors, but with demand of pointing of an active hyperlink to the page of source, or FAVOR.com.ua in general.
Republishing or any other use of materials FAVOR.com.ua with commercial purpose (eg for advertising or other promotional activity) is possible only by permission of authors of the materials (except photos in “Events” section).
Photographs represented in “Events” section can be freely distributed, shared, modified, or used somehow else, without required links to the authors (us) under CC BY-SA 4.0 license. Photo-materials of high resolution can be also sent by request.
Copying any part of the website design, or any of its elements is strictly prohibited.
The logo of “Favorites of Success” Award can be freely used for refering of the “Favorites of Success” and its activies under terms of fair use in accordance to the copyright law.