Kwin-Swig |
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From the moment of foundation, the company «Kwin-Swig» known as an innovative company has deserved the reputation of a reliable partner and has achieved a strong position in the Ukrainian market of translucent constructions. It became possible due to the major principle of our work: orientation to the client and constant innovations. In conditions of a continuously varying, technically improved world, we find new ways of solution of the client’s tasks. We always aspire to offer something greater than simply windows and doors. Irrespectively of amount of works and character of the project, your success depends first of all on the correct choice of the contractor. In modern conditions of the market, the ideal contractor is one who offers experience, professionalism, complex approach to the solution of the task in view, quality, guarantee and service. But it’s not enough. Only the contractor that is sincerely keen on your idea, irrespectively of its scale, is capable to bring you success. Nowadays, «Kwin-Swig» LLC is one of the largest companies in the Ukrainian market on manufacture of innovative translucent constructions. Manufacture of «Kwin-Swig» LLC is equipped with high quality equipment, which is served by the qualified personnel, able to solve tasks of any complexity, specially trained and passed training in Germany. The majority of workers have the higher or specialized secondary education. The design office will consist of well-prepared engineering structure. All employees have higher education and professional experience in branch of 10 years and more. |
Phone:(044) 430-84-12 (044) 430-30-13 E-mail:Web-site:Address: 04074, г.Киев, ул. Новозабарская, 2/6 |
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