SoloMia is one of the Ukrainian tea market leaders. Our own certified production enables us to produce tea taking into account preferences of Ukrainian consumers, and our distribution network makes it possible to successfully sell own and imported brands on the Ukrainian market.
SoloMia Distribution Portfolio is represented by own brands produced at own and external manufactures as well as external brands from different countries of the world. The company owns a modern tea factory with the manufacturing capacity of more than 5000 tonnes of product per year. SoloMia ranks among top Ukrainian tea companies. Its own brands have a market share of over 13%.
The company «SoloMia» is the founder of «Kombinata Zdorovogo pitaniyat» – the production of pasta and the company «Arden» – the supply of food from Europe.
Phone:E-mail:tea_office Web-site:Address:
Украина, 04128, г. Киев, ул. Берковецкая, 6а
Postal address:
Украина, 04128, г. Киев, ул. Берковецкая, 6а
Trade marks by Solomia:
Askold , presented in following category:
Batik , presented in following category:
GreenFit , presented in following category:
Solomia , presented in following category:
Індіана , presented in following category:
Добра кава , presented in following categories:
Домашній чай , presented in following category:
Небесна пагода , presented in following category:
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