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Absolute Favorite — 2016 in category
Medication from hemorrhoids

Favorite of Consumers
Favorite of Consumers — 2016 in category
Antimicrobial and antiseptical medication used in gynecology

+38 044 459-46-00/02
вул. Велика Васильківська, буд. 9/2 офіс 52
Київ, 01004, Україна
Company Stada:
Stada, presented in following category:
Preparations by Stada:
Hexicon, presented in following category:
Proctosan, presented in following category:
Іхтіол, presented in following category:
Алломедин, presented in following category:
Альгінатол, presented in following category:
Анальгін супозиторії, presented in following category:
Анестезол, presented in following category:
Анузол, presented in following category:
Ацикловір, presented in following category:
Бісакодил, presented in following category:
Бактистатин, presented in following category:
Бенатекс, presented in following category:
Бензілбензоата мазь, presented in following category:
Бетіол, presented in following category:
Вітапрост, presented in following category:
Гепарінова мазь, presented in following category:
Гепатромбін, presented in following category:
Гліцерин, presented in following category:
Грипостад Ріно, presented in following category:
Гриппостад, presented in following categories:
Д-пантенол, presented in following category:
Депантол крем, presented in following category:
Дикловит гель, presented in following category:
Диклофенак, presented in following category:
Ерміталь, presented in following category:
Еспол, presented in following category:
Есслівер Форте, presented in following category:
Йодоксид, presented in following category:
Контрацептин Т, presented in following category:
Красавки екстракт, presented in following category:
Левомеколь, presented in following category:
Левосин, presented in following category:
Ливарол, presented in following category:
Метилурацилова мазь, presented in following category:
Натальсид, presented in following category:
Обліпихова олія, presented in following category:
Оксолінова мазь, presented in following category:
Папаверина гідрохлорид, presented in following category:
Псило-бальзам, presented in following categories:
Раптен, presented in following category:
Синтоміцина лінімент, presented in following category:
СНУП, presented in following category:
Стрептоцида лінімент, presented in following category:
Тромблес гель, presented in following category:
Фунготербін, presented in following category:
Хондроксид, presented in following category:
Цефекон Н, presented in following categories:

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