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United Media Holding

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Absolute Favorite — 2017 in category
Sports portal

Absolute Favorite
Absolute Favorite — 2017 in category
TV publication

Absolute Favorite
Аргументы и факты в Украине
Absolute Favorite — 2017 in category
Information and analytic publication

Absolute Favorite
Деньги / Гроші
Absolute Favorite — 2017 in category
Business publication

Favorite of Celebrities
Favorite of Celebrities — 2017 in category
News portal

Absolute Favorite
Absolute Favorite — 2016 in category
Sports portal

Absolute Favorite
Absolute Favorite — 2016 in category
TV publication

Absolute Favorite
NRJ (92.8 FM)
Absolute Favorite — 2016 in category
Radio channel

Absolute Favorite
За рулем – Украина
Absolute Favorite — 2016 in category
Edition about auto & moto

Favorite of Experts
bigmir) Спорт
Favorite of Experts — 2016 in category
Sports portal

Favorite of Experts
Favorite of Experts — 2016 in category
Woman internet-edition

Favorite of Celebrities
Favorite of Celebrities — 2016 in category
Culinary portal

Favorite of Celebrities
Аргументы и факты в Украине
Favorite of Celebrities — 2016 in category
Information and analytic publication

Favorite of Celebrities
За рулем – Украина
Favorite of Celebrities — 2016 in category
Cars portal

Favorite of Consumers
Деньги / Гроші
Favorite of Consumers — 2016 in category
Business publication

Favorite of Consumers
Europa Plus (92,8 FM)
Favorite of Consumers — 2014 in category
Radio channel

Absolute Favorite
Absolute Favorite — 2013 in category
Culinary portal

Absolute Favorite
Absolute Favorite — 2012 in category
Culinary portal

United Media Holding
Editions by United Media Holding:
АиФ Здоровье, presented in following category:
Аргументы и факты в Украине, presented in following category:
Архидея, presented in following category:
Деньги / Гроші, presented in following category:
Експрес газета, presented in following category:
За рулем – Украина, presented in following category:
Auto & moto
Команда, presented in following category:
Корреспондент, presented in following category:
КП в Украине, presented in following category:
Мікроскоп, presented in following category:
Неделька, presented in following category:
ОП, presented in following category:
Совершенно секретно Украина, presented in following category:
Телевізор, presented in following category:
Теледім, presented in following category:
Теленеделя, presented in following category:
Телескоп, presented in following category:
Футбол, presented in following category:
TV and radio channels by United Media Holding:
Lounge FM (99.4 FM), presented in following category:
NRJ (92.8 FM), presented in following category:
Авторадіо (107,4 FM), presented in following category:
Голос Столицы (106 FM), presented in following category:
Джем FM (95,6 FM), presented in following category:
Наше Радіо (107,9 FM), presented in following category:
П’ятниця (101,1 FM), presented in following category:
Ретро FM (92,4 FM), presented in following category:
Web portals by United Media Holding:
bigmir) Спорт, presented in following category:
Football.ua, presented in following category:
Gloss.ua, presented in following category:
iSport.ua, presented in following category:
Tochka.net, presented in following category:
Tv.ua, presented in following category:
Vgorode.ua, presented in following category:
За рулем – Украина, presented in following category:
Cars portal
News web sites by United Media Holding:
Aif.ua, presented in following category:
News portal
KP.ua, presented in following category:
News portal
Tochka.net, presented in following category:
News portal
Деньги.ua, presented in following categories:
News portal
Корреспондент, presented in following category:
News portal
Финансы bigmir.net, presented in following category:
Web site(s) United Media Holding:
Archidea.com.ua, presented in following category:
Foodandmood.com.ua, presented in following category:
Gloss.ua, presented in following category:
Ivona, presented in following category:
Kolobok.ua, presented in following categories:
M PORT, presented in following category:
Smak.ua, presented in following category:
Tochka.net, presented in following category:
Tv.ua, presented in following category:
web services United Media Holding:
Board.I.ua, presented in following category:
Job.i.ua, presented in following category:
Weather.bigmir.net, presented in following category: