Survey Results Current (2025)2024 y.2023 y.2022 y.2021 y.2020 y.2019 y.2018 y.2017 y.2016 y.2015 y.2014 y.2013 y.2012 y.2011 y.2010 y.2009 y.2006 y. ? Unfortunately there is no information about poll results for 2006 in the “Woman internet-edition” category. This nomination was first presented in poll beginning from 2009. Please select another period, or view current survey results. Edit comment Changed text: Anonymous unregistered users can edit their messages during only 15 minutes after publication. Comments(41)Add comment… all in a row | positive | negativeReply to Your Name: (not necessarily) or Your E-mail: (to receive responses) You may sign in using: Your Comment Web-site Aye Nay (Edipresse Ukraine) (Hearst Shkulev Ukraine) ( (Hearst Shkulev Ukraine)IT WomanIvona (Digita Ventures) (Publishing House United Media Holding)Lady.tsn (1+1 TV Studio)LadyBossLadyHealthLawedding, свадебный порталL’ (L’OFFICIEL-Украина)Marie (Pink / Пинк)Stylish (, весільний інтернет-порталWoMo Мама в деле! (Женский портал Wwwomen)ВеслоДаринаЕдинственная.ua (КаралєвнаКоліжанкаМир женщин –Модний жіночий журнал GlianecНастроениеСайт Катерини Серебрянської (Катерина Серебрянська)Хочу Enter digits displayed on picture *: Please be polite! Although that modertors of this web-portal are excessively democratic, any unethical, unqotable or just rude expressions, which abuse other visitors of this web site, can be deleted. Also will be deleted any spam and public comments with private phone numbers.No negative comments yet… Be the first to leave comment on this topic!Add comment Reply to Your Name: (not necessarily) or Your E-mail: (to receive responses) You may sign in using: Your Comment Web-site Aye Nay (Edipresse Ukraine) (Hearst Shkulev Ukraine) ( (Hearst Shkulev Ukraine)IT WomanIvona (Digita Ventures) (Publishing House United Media Holding)Lady.tsn (1+1 TV Studio)LadyBossLadyHealthLawedding, свадебный порталL’ (L’OFFICIEL-Украина)Marie (Pink / Пинк)Stylish (, весільний інтернет-порталWoMo Мама в деле! (Женский портал Wwwomen)ВеслоДаринаЕдинственная.ua (КаралєвнаКоліжанкаМир женщин –Модний жіночий журнал GlianecНастроениеСайт Катерини Серебрянської (Катерина Серебрянська)Хочу Enter digits displayed on picture *: Please be polite! Although that modertors of this web-portal are excessively democratic, any unethical, unqotable or just rude expressions, which abuse other visitors of this web site, can be deleted. Also will be deleted any spam and public comments with private phone numbers. RSS-feed