Other years results
Other years ratings in the “ Metal cookware
Experts in this category
In 2014, the contenders in “Metal cookware” category has been evaluated by 7 experts-professionals:
Celebrities Jury
In 2014, the contenders in “Metal cookware” category has been evaluated by 8 members of Celebrities Jury:
Tatyana Chebrova
Tatyana Chebrova is the artist and the researcher of colors, the member of Ukrainian association of art Therapy. She also is the member of the socially-ecological art group «Strontium’90». Ta Chebrova is founder of the art-style Tralfrealism as Tran
Roman Davidoff
DJ, програмний директор «Авторадіо»
Masha Goya
Aliona Lebedeva
Президент NewPeopleProduction, засновниця PoleArtShow, директор інвестиційного напрямку промислово-інвестиційнрго холдингу InterCarGroup
Amador Lopez
Шоумен, хореограф, балетмейстер, керівник Rumberos Art-Group
Denis Lubimov
Timofey Nagorniy
Бізнесмен, меценат, громадський діяч, продюсер, організатор спортивних шоу, Президент «Фонду волонтерів України», засновник міжнародної компанії «Спорт-Сервіс»
Tatyana Shalman
Associate of the Institute of Journalism of Taras Shevchenko, Candidate of Philology, President of the Association of private investors and owners, Head of Kyiv Regional Organization «Consumers Union of Ukraine,» the head of a media project «Spozhyvach