Experts Jury survey results of 2013 in category
Show business / Duet
1. Пара Нормальних  Favorite of Experts – 2013 Link 60.00% 5
2. Время и Стекло Link 40.00% 3.33
3. Anna-Maria Link 20.00% 1.67
3. neAngely  20.00% 1.67
3. Potap & Nastya Link 20.00% 1.67
3. Братья Борисенко Link 20.00% 1.67
3. Тамерлан і Олена Омаргалієва Link 20.00% 1.67
View results of current, 2024 year  Show all bands

Normed consumer's score are calculated by 5-score scale, accordingly to the methodic of the research.
The competitor which has taken 1st place in this rating — is the most successful Ukrainian band of 2013 in the “Duet of the year” category!
Using this rating is only possible with obligatory link to the source.
This rating was built as a result of the study of social preferences in 2013, under the “Favorites of Success” Contest in Ukraine and it’s the free information. In case of full or partial republishing of the information drawn from this rating, it is obligatory to mention the name of the “Favorites of Success” Contest in printed publications, or put an active hyperlink to this page in the electronic media.  Details…
all in a row | positive | negative
Юлия_H Юлия_H comments positively on Братья Борисенко -2
Anonymous (*.208.206) from the phone -1
Братья Борисенко
Anonymous (*.130.137)
Борисенки они лучше всех
sashaangell sashaangell
Вика (*.154.153)
Братишки! Братья Борисенко самые лучшие! Они, и только они:*
Tanya_2604 Tanya_2604 -1
Брати Борисенко Найкращi!!!))
Cepгiй_Oнoпpiєнкo Cepгiй_Oнoпpiєнкo -1
Братья Борисенки лутшие
Cтeфaния_Kacиaн Cтeфaния_Kacиaн comments positively on Братья Борисенко -1
Только Братья Борисенко конечно же! Вперед за успехом! Вы лучшие!)
Kaтepинa_Kлeбaнюк Kaтepинa_Kлeбaнюк -1
братья Борисенко, конечно же)
thezoyakot thezoyakot -1
Anonymous (*.142.23) -1
rкк rкк -1
Sashula Sashula comments positively on Tiramisu
Тирамису,Вы лучшие,знайте об этом!)
Elena_Kalugina Elena_Kalugina
Tiramisu, good luck.)
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