Current public survey results of 2025 in category
Show business / Female singer
Info The annual ratings by results of an Internet auditory survey calculated as average arithmetic mean rank, obtained in each of 4 quarters of year.
I quarter (january—march)
Did not voted yet? Give your own assessment to the participants, presented in this nomination!
1. Aida Nikolaychuk Link 33.33% 5
1. MamaRika (Anastasia Kochetova) Link 33.33% 5
1. Tina Karol  33.33% 5
4. Alina Pash Link 11.11% 1.92
4. Assol Link 11.11% 1.92
4. GROSU  11.11% 1.92
4. Irena Karpa Link 11.11% 1.92
4. Iryna Bilyk Link 11.11% 1.92
4. Khrystyna Soloviy Link 11.11% 1.92
4. Lama Link 11.11% 1.92
4. Masha Sobko  11.11% 1.92
4. Michelle Andrade Link 11.11% 1.92
4. Ruslana Lyzhichko Link 11.11% 1.92
4. Tayanna Link 11.11% 1.92
4. Zlata Ognevich Link 11.11% 1.92
View results of previous, 2024 year  Show all singers
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Some participant is not listed, or vise versa, it's necessary to remove the nominee which has gone out of market? Please inform the organizers of the survey about that!

Normed consumer's score are calculated by 5-score scale, accordingly to the methodic of the research.
Notice This rating reflects the current interim results of the study of public opinion as on 2/16/2025 16:52:19 and it’s not yet final.  Details…
You can affect on this rating, by attracting to the poll new respondents, your friends and acquaintances, who will also specify their personal preferences in the poll, expressing their trust to chosen participants.
all in a row | positive | negative
лeнaзeмлянaя лeнaзeмлянaя +1
vadiua vadiua comments positively on Russya (Iryna Osaulenko)
звісно , РУСЯ ( Ірина Осауленко) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
мocквичкa мocквичкa comments positively on Anastasiya Prikhodko -2
Настя Приходько!
Пeтpocян-2 Пeтpocян-2 comments positively on Anastasiya Prikhodko -2
Настя Приходько – запоминающийся сильный голос, низкий красивый тембр, контральтовый. Очень нравится эта певица.
Lena_Lena_ Lena_Lena_ comments positively on Erika (MamaRika) +1
без сомнений – Эрика!
мapлeн мapлeн +1
Мила Нитич – красивый, сильный голос
Rozo4ka Rozo4ka comments positively on Anastasiya Prikhodko -2
Мой голос за Настю Приходько!
кoпeйкa кoпeйкa
Злата Огневич
лeнaзeмлянaя лeнaзeмлянaя
Нет такой песни, которую не спела бы Эрика! Мурашки по коже! Многие певицы красавицы и умницы с мега голосами, но все же ЭРИКА!
MaшKa MaшKa comments on Natalia Mogilevskaya (Наталя Могилевська) +1
Наталия Могилевская-лучшая!!!
Anonymous (*.181.176)
Rozenfeld Ira
ЧepeпaшкKA ЧepeпaшкKA comments positively on Zlata Ognevich
Злата Огневич
oлeчкин oлeчкин
Яна Соломко!!!
Anonymous (*.133.197) comments on Sofia Rotaru +1
Я больше всего люблю СОФИЮ РОТАРУ – ОНА ЛУЧШАЯ
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