Current survey results of 2024 by the integrated assestment in category
Show business / Male band
Information Here are the Ukrainian musical groups with male vocals. See also the list of music bands with female vocals and the nominations that will determine the best Ukrainian Pop band and Rock band of the year.
Info Integrated, “absolute” ratings is calculated by survey results of 3 respondent groups.   Details…
Audience (40%)
Experts (40%)
Celebrities (20%)
1. Океан Ельзи  5
2. Kozak System Link 3.75
3. Плач Єремії  3.13
4. Mountain Breez Link 2.50
5. Kadnay Link 1.88
5. Kazaky Link 1.88
7. AntitelA Link 1.25
7. Aviator Link 1.25
9. Green Grey  0.63
View results of previous, 2023 year  Show all bands
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Some participant is not listed, or vise versa, it's necessary to remove the nominee which has gone out of market? Please inform the organizers of the survey about that!

Normed consumer's score are calculated by 5-score scale, accordingly to the methodic of the research.
Notice This rating reflects the current interim results of the study of public opinion as on 6/21/2024 23:01:55 and it’s not yet final.  Details…
You can affect on this rating, by attracting to the poll new respondents, your friends and acquaintances, who will also specify their personal preferences in the poll, expressing their trust to chosen participants.
all in a row | positive | negative
rina07 rina07 to DarkMavka comments positively on В.В. (Воплі Відоплясова)
Согласна!И еще всех, кого отметила
DarkMavka DarkMavka
Вважаю також успішними гурт ТІК,С,К.А.Й. і Бумбокс.
YarosLex YarosLex
Гурт "Листопад" — найсильніший, найперспективніший та найкращий гурт, зокрема, в своєму стилі, в чому може переконатись кожен, хто прослухає хоча б одну композозицію із репертуару цих хлопців, відданих на всі 100% своїй справі! Так-що "Листопад", як не крути, — найкращий!!!
Ludmila0778 Ludmila0778 comments on Aviator (Mama Music)
Пусть будет Авиатор.
Пoвiтpyля Пoвiтpyля
АнтитлА найкращі!
Бумбокс Рулит=)
Gizmen Gizmen comments positively on АННА
АННА и ТОЛ лучшие, я за вас!!!
Anonymous (*.58.200) comments on AntitelA
Классная группа)
RockStar RockStar comments positively on NoraLasso
Green Gray и NoraLasso лучшие. Честная музыка.
ireen86 ireen86 comments positively on NoraLasso
Очень люблю песню "Розовые сны", "Бомба-ртуть", "Капля в молоке", "Любовники не на земле" и др.
Anonymous (*.87.124) comments positively on AntitelA
обожаю антитела! они лучшие!
ya-macho ya-macho comments positively on Skryabin (Скрябін)
пающие трусы…пающие трусы…песня во!и КЛИП во!
Anonymous (*.66.42) comments positively on AntitelA
антитела!!! Только АНТИТЕЛА!!!! Они лучшие!!!!!!!!!!!
tsaritsa tsaritsa comments positively on X-Presidents
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