Public survey results of 2006 in category
Show business / TV-show host
Info The annual ratings by results of an Internet auditory survey calculated as average arithmetic mean rank, obtained in each of 4 quarters of year.
II quarter (april—june)
III quarter (july—september)
IV quarter (october—december)
1. Andriy Kuzmenko Link 63.37% 5
2. Igor Kondratyuk Link 43.59% 3.46
3. Pavlo Shilko (aka DJ-Pasha)  32.23% 2.59
4. Игорь Пэлых  21.98% 1.76
5. Ostap Stupka  15.38% 1.21
6. Miroslav Kuvaldin  5.49% 0.44
7. Slava Govorun  4.76% 0.39
8. Dmitriy Chekalkin Link 4.03% 0.33
9. Viktor Andrienko  3.30% 0.292
10. Illya Noyabrev Link 3.66% 0.290
11. Олег Филимонов  2.20% 0.168
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Normed consumer's score are calculated by 5-score scale, accordingly to the methodic of the research.
The participant which took the 1st place in this rating is by opinion of Ukrainian consumers is the best choice in 2006, recommendation of consumers #1 in the category “TV-show host”.
Using this rating is only possible with obligatory link to the source.
This rating was built as a result of the study of social preferences in 2006, under the “Favorites of Success” Contest in Ukraine and it’s the free information. In case of full or partial republishing of the information drawn from this rating, it is obligatory to mention the name of the “Favorites of Success” Contest in printed publications, or put an active hyperlink to this page in the electronic media.  Details…
all in a row | positive | negative
marushak marushak comments positively on Sergey Pritula (Сергій Притула)
Сергій Притула – є брендом ведучого Нового каналу. Чесний, відвертий, як на екрані, так і в житті.
ocч ocч +1
Андрей Доманский и Андрей Данилевич, Андрей Доманский и Андрей Дромов
ocч ocч comments positively on Viktor Andrienko +1
Виктор Андриенко. Актер и ведущий + человек!
NataVera NataVera comments positively on Sergey Pritula (Сергій Притула)
Конечно ОН!!
Hecтepoвa Hecтepoвa comments positively on Sergey Pritula (Сергій Притула) +2
самий кумедний
Svetlana_71 Svetlana_71 comments positively on Sergey Pritula (Сергій Притула) +1
сергій притула
rebelle_fleur rebelle_fleur comments positively on Andrey Bednyakov +2
Андрюха Бєдняков найкращий ведучий ever!
valerialitowchenko valerialitowchenko comments positively on Rostislav Todorescu (Ростислав Тодореску)
Ростя всегда лучший,я за него;)
EMOTION_LOVE EMOTION_LOVE comments positively on Rostislav Todorescu (Ростислав Тодореску) +1
Крутой и позитивный!»!"!»!
Tia Tia comments positively on Olexandr Pedan (Олександр Педан) from the phone +2
Все такие классные – еле выбрала... Педан и Притула – люблю вас!!!
lelka-a lelka-a comments positively on Igor Kondratyuk +2
Кондратюк Игорь Васильевич. Бесспорно, лучший ведущий.
Anonymous (*.78.106) from the tablet -1
Бедняков Россия за тебя! И Крым тоже! Ты крутой! Не хватает тебя вОиР! Вернись! Мы все простим!!!:-)
Anonymous (*.194.105) comments positively on Andrey Bednyakov from the tablet +2
Днепр – Бородаааааааа !!!!!!!
Shushock Shushock comments positively on Andrey Bednyakov +2
Борода однозначно!))) Новосибирск за тебя!
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