Public survey results of 2006 in category
Show business / TV-show hostess
Info The annual ratings by results of an Internet auditory survey calculated as average arithmetic mean rank, obtained in each of 4 quarters of year.
II quarter (april—june)
III quarter (july—september)
IV quarter (october—december)
1. Masha Efrosinina  40.10% 5
2. Olga Gorbacheva Link 39.14% 4.97
3. Natalia Mogilevska  34.84% 3.81
4. Katerina Osadcha Link 16.71% 2.12
5. Snezhana Egorova Link 10.50% 1.33
6. Olga Gerasimyuk Link 8.11% 0.97
7. Anna Bezulyk Link 7.64% 0.92
8. Olga Sumska Link 7.64% 0.90
9. Natalia Sumska  6.44% 0.71
10. Katya Vinogradova  2.63% 0.31
11. Анжелика Рудницкая  1.19% 0.16
View results of current, 2024 year

Normed consumer's score are calculated by 5-score scale, accordingly to the methodic of the research.
The participant which took the 1st place in this rating is by opinion of Ukrainian consumers is the best choice in 2006, recommendation of consumers #1 in the category “TV-show hostess”.
Using this rating is only possible with obligatory link to the source.
This rating was built as a result of the study of social preferences in 2006, under the “Favorites of Success” Contest in Ukraine and it’s the free information. In case of full or partial republishing of the information drawn from this rating, it is obligatory to mention the name of the “Favorites of Success” Contest in printed publications, or put an active hyperlink to this page in the electronic media.  Details…
all in a row | positive | negative
KetchUp KetchUp
мой выбор – Марченко, Фролова, Осадчая, Канделаки, Литвиненко
yasia1993 yasia1993
Оксаночка Марченко лучшая!!
Любaшкa Любaшкa comments positively on Oksana Marchenko
Я за Оксаночку Марченко))!!!
мacяня мacяня
Маша Ефросинина-бэст!!!
rollada rollada
Лиля Ребрик и Оля Фреймут!
Bиккeшa Bиккeшa
Я за Фролову и Ефросинину!!!
zhanna zhanna
я за Машу Ефросинину, и О.Сумскую....
zverok zverok
Ребрик, Марченко и Ефросинина – три примы украинского ТВ.
Ipинa_Xoмeйкo Ipинa_Xoмeйкo
Я за Марченко, Ефросинину и Осадчую! Они молодцы!!!
мocквичкa мocквичкa comments positively on Lilia Rebryk (Liliya Rebryk)
Лиля Ребрик!!!
Bикycи4кa Bикycи4кa
Jazzrio Jazzrio comments on Oksana Marchenko
Я отдаю свой голос за Оксану Марченко,МОЛОДЕЦ!!!
grinder grinder comments positively on Masha Efrosinina (Маша Ефросініна)
люблю её)))
Slastena2064 Slastena2064 comments on Masha Efrosinina (Маша Ефросініна)
Самая лучшая:****
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