Experts Jury survey results of 2015 in category
Show business / Young talent
Information У номінації «Молодий талант року» представлені юні виконавці, які не досягли 21-річного віку. Тільки до 20 років включно.
1. Anastasia Petryk (22 years)  Absolute Favorite – 2015  33.33% 5
2. Yana Gurulyova (26 years)  Favorite of Consumers – 2015 Link 16.67% 2.50
Alexander Poryadinskiy (26 years) Link 16.67% 2.50
Marietta Ways (28 years) Link 16.67% 2.50
Vladislav Kurasov (29 years) Link 16.67% 2.50
Alina Grosu (29 years) Link 16.67% 2.50
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Normed consumer's score are calculated by 5-score scale, accordingly to the methodic of the research.
The participant which took the 1st place in this rating is by opinion of industry specialists is the best choice in 2015, recommendation of an experts #1 in the category “Young talent”.
Using this rating is only possible with obligatory link to the source.
This rating was built as a result of the study of social preferences in 2015, under the “Favorites of Success” Contest in Ukraine and it’s the free information. In case of full or partial republishing of the information drawn from this rating, it is obligatory to mention the name of the “Favorites of Success” Contest in printed publications, or put an active hyperlink to this page in the electronic media.  Details…
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Лeд Лeд +1
За Васю и Нину Бойковых
Вера (*.207.151) comments on Ilona Galytska from the phone -2
Я в тебя верю!
id134885-Oлeкcaндp Лeoнeнкo Oлeкcaндp Лeoнeнкo
За Васю и Нину Бойковых!!!
Malinka122 Malinka122 comments positively on Vasilisa Boykova +1
Вася Бойкова !!!:)))
Anonymous (*.186.25) +2
Вася и Нина Бойковы!!!!!!!!
Lenchik3010 Lenchik3010 -1
Владислав Курасов
Barca Barca
Владислав Курасов!)
Kcaнтьe Kcaнтьe
Владислав Курасов!
elvin_bell elvin_bell comments positively on Vladislav Kurasov (Владислав Курасов) +1
TamaraP TamaraP +2
Очень любим Сашу Порядинского!
Light_Arfa Light_Arfa -2
Виктория Петрик
Anonymous (*.166.12) comments positively on Vika Petryk (Petryk sisters)
Петрик Вика!
Aлёнa_Mapкoвa Aлёнa_Mapкoвa +2
Владислав Красов!!! Голос просто супер!
Анна (*.172.38)
Александр Порядинский !
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