The participant of the social action is threatened with the loony!
Company: Svetlana Loboda
Koval Evgenie and Svetlana Loboda in cafe, after the ending of the Eurovision 2009.

To the participant of the social action «Tell is not present! The violence in a family» by Svetlana Loboda – to Koval Evgenie is threatened with punishment with the maniac. The madman calls every night to the participant, forcing it to shake with fear. The name of the maniac is known and does not disappear, it gr-n Gerasimov, Evgenie's former acquaintance.

«I consider that he mentally not the normal person, — tells Koval Evgeniy — It began to send on a mobile phone of the message with punishment, harassments and rape, calls at night. This person knows where I live and where there is my office. I am going to address in police station both to write the application, and to give correspondence».

Let's remind, Koval Evgeniy, the director the Internet of projects of the company «S&A music group», a member of delegation «Eurovisions - 2009» from Ukraine. Became the participant of the action «Tell is not present! To violence in a family» which the participant «Eurovisions-2009» by Svetlana Loboda has organised. As was engaged in rotation of clips of by Loboda on television channels.

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