This category presents the companies and trade establishments of Kyiv.
Only Kyiv people can evaluate the nominants. Residents of other regions, guests of the capital, are unable to vote, but can freely browse the results, or leave their opinions.
Coat of arms of Kiev
Experts Jury survey results of 2019 in category
Housing and real estate / Real estate agency
1. Park Lane Link 37.50% 5
SV Development Link 25.00% 3.33
Агентство нерухомості «Маяк» Link 25.00% 3.33
2. Благовіст  25.00% 3.33
Dorohouse Link 12.50% 1.67
5. Ideal Rielt Group Link 12.50% 1.67
Obolon Planet  12.50% 1.67
Reality Real Estate  12.50% 1.67
Realt Geos Link 12.50% 1.67
Valion Link 12.50% 1.67
Альянс-Брок Link 12.50% 1.67
Світ нерухомості Link 12.50% 1.67
View results of current, 2024 year  Show all companies

Normed consumer's score are calculated by 5-score scale, accordingly to the methodic of the research.
The participant which took the 1st place in this rating is by opinion of industry specialists is the best choice in 2019, recommendation of an experts #1 in the category “Real estate agency”.
Using this rating is only possible with obligatory link to the source.
This rating was built as a result of the study of social preferences in 2019, under the “Favorites of Success” Contest in Ukraine and it’s the free information. In case of full or partial republishing of the information drawn from this rating, it is obligatory to mention the name of the “Favorites of Success” Contest in printed publications, or put an active hyperlink to this page in the electronic media.  Details…
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Keнт Keнт comments positively on Столичний квартал from the phone
Столичный квартал!
Большой выбор, очень много предложений! Широкий охват, география. Можно предварительно выбирать на сайте, можно с риэлтором.
Отличные ребята!
LuxGreat LuxGreat comments positively on LuxGreat
LuxGreat – лучшее агентство элитной недвижимости в Киеве и победитель международной премии в области недвижимости European Property Awards в номинации Real Estate Agency Marketing Ukraine, которая каждый год проходит в Лондоне.
Aлeкcaндp_Жapкoв Aлeкcaндp_Жapкoв comments positively on SV Development
У ребят самый лучший рейтинг на рынке по аналитике!
serov-vip1995 serov-vip1995 comments positively on Альфаброк +3
Одна из лучших компаний в Киеве.
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