Disabled The category has been excluded from the voting of by decision of organizers of the “Favorites of Success” Award, and it’s currently inactive. Here are shown an old survey results for 2024.
The total survey results of 2024 by the integrated assestment in category
Audio and video appliances / Photographic film
Info Integrated, “absolute” ratings is calculated by survey results of 3 respondent groups.   Details…
Consumers (40%)
Experts (40%)
Celebrities (20%)
View results of current, 2025 year
Is the list of participants incomplete or inaccurate?
Some participant is not listed, or vise versa, it's necessary to remove the nominee which has gone out of market? Please inform the organizers of the survey about that!

Normed consumer's score are calculated by 5-score scale, accordingly to the methodic of the research.
The participant which took the 1st place in this rating is by aggregate opinion of all three respondent groups is the best choice in 2024, the absolute recommendation of #1 in the category “Photographic film”.
Using this rating is only possible with obligatory link to the source.  Details…
Leader of this rating has an opportunity to get benefits of the rights and privileges of winner, the “Absolute Favorite”. The winner may be represented in the status of the best choice in the category “Photographic film”, and receive an award, a gold medal Favorite of Success – 2024, on an annual awards ceremony, along with the right to use its image in the advertising and labeling.  Details…
all in a row | positive | negative
argentina argentina comments positively on Fujifilm
Когда то покупали)
Lana222 Lana222 comments on Kodak
Kodak, но как давно это было. Последний раз года 3 назад я ее покупала, а теперь цифровик.
mo (*.215.34)
Пленка всегда была, есть и будет. Так как аналоговая фотография – это фото искусство. И всегда будут люди, которые им занимаются.
Lokki Lokki
сейчас пленка уже не массовый продукт... Может где-то в регионах, куда цифра еще не дошла...
Tanya_Alexandriya Tanya_Alexandriya
Сейчас плёнка уже не так актуальна, но раньше я пользовалась Kodak…
NU_VIRGOS NU_VIRGOS comments positively on Kodak
Кодак… остального не существует и не будет сущестовать !
ElenaSL ElenaSL
Kodak -для меня самый лучший в этом списке. Затем Fujifilm )))
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