Disabled The category has been excluded from the voting of by decision of organizers of the “Favorites of Success” Award, and it’s currently inactive. Here are shown an old survey results for 2025.
Current public survey results of 2025 in category
Seafoods / Seafood mix
Information Squids, shrimps, mussels and octopuses – are a depository of microelements and minerals. There is daily amount of iodine, zinc, selenium, iron, copper and magnesium in a small portion of «seafood-cocktail». Seafood products, having minimum of calories, are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, valuable for heart and vessels.

Seafood contains proteins and amino acids, the most suitable for human consumption – 93-98% of which are digested, that isn’t exactly about any other animal proteins. Magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, fluorine – improve memory, stabilize nervous system, strengthen osseous tissue and blood circulation. Nutritive value of seafood products is higher than meat. And it is far not the whole list of seafood advantages.
Info The annual ratings by results of Consumers survey calculated as average arithmetic mean rank, obtained in each of 4 quarters of year.
! There is no results for 2025 yet.
Apparently, voting not yet started? Specify your personal preferences, and your opinion will be the first in this year!
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Some participant is not listed, or vise versa, it's necessary to remove the nominee which has gone out of market? Please inform the organizers of the survey about that!

Normed consumer's score are calculated by 5-score scale, accordingly to the methodic of the research.
Notice This rating reflects the current interim results of the study of public opinion as on 1/24/2025 13:06:34 and it’s not yet final.  Details…
You can affect on this rating, by attracting to the poll new respondents, your friends and acquaintances, who will also specify their personal preferences in the poll, expressing their trust to chosen participants.
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id136927-Олександр Онис Олександр Онис
водний мир!)
Євгeнiя Євгeнiя comments positively on Водный мир (Vodny Mir)
Мы берем всегда Водный Мир!
znajka znajka comments positively on Альбатрос
Я беру, только сухую заморозку, если не то смотрите на упаковке обязательно должна быть надпись сколько будет продукта после разморозки.
fomenko fomenko
Я беру на развес, но там столько, так называемой, глазури, что думаю, возможно в упаковках дешевле выходит. Может, подскажет кто?
argentina argentina comments positively on Nordic (Ascania Frozen Foods)
Я вообще любитель морских ассорти и много перепробовала и больше всего понравился нордик
_olya_ _olya_
Пару раз покупала «Водный мир» – неплохие морепродукты.
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