Current public survey results of 2025 in category
Household chemicals / Toilet block
Info The annual ratings by results of Consumers survey calculated as average arithmetic mean rank, obtained in each of 4 quarters of year.
I quarter (january—march)
Support with your vote those who deserves the title of the Favorite of the Year – 2025!
1. Bref Gel (Henkel Ukraine)Link 40.00% 5
1. Domestos (Unilever)Link 40.00% 5
1. Туалетный утенок (SC Johnson)Link 40.00% 5
4. Bref Duo (Henkel Ukraine)Link 20.00% 2.88
View results of previous, 2024 year  Show all marks
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Some participant is not listed, or vise versa, it's necessary to remove the nominee which has gone out of market? Please inform the organizers of the survey about that!

Normed consumer's score are calculated by 5-score scale, accordingly to the methodic of the research.
Notice This rating reflects the current interim results of the study of public opinion as on 2/16/2025 15:19:41 and it’s not yet final.  Details…
You can affect on this rating, by attracting to the poll new respondents, your friends and acquaintances, who will also specify their personal preferences in the poll, expressing their trust to chosen participants.
all in a row | positive | negative
Mars007 Mars007 comments positively on Domestos (Unilever)
Доместос вне конкуренции – согласна!
boghdan boghdan comments positively on Bref Duo (Henkel Ukraine)
Больше всего нравится Peak WC-Liquid, но в данном списке его почему-то нет:( А из представленных выбрал бы Bref. Больше всего не нравится Туалетный утенок:(((
vib vib comments positively on Pursue (Amway Ukraine)
Очень приятный продукт Pursue. Пользуюсь им с удовольствием…
yagalchonok yagalchonok comments positively on Pursue (Amway Ukraine)
Только со средством от Амвей я благополучно забыла о всякой дряни с соляной кислотой, ужасной вонью, аллергией на эту всю красоту…
Pursue, плюс к тому, что эффективно, еще и ненавязчиво, приятно пахнет:)
Anferi Anferi comments positively on Туалетный утенок (SC Johnson)
Доместос и туалетный утенок — то что надо!
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