SOLUTION: You can’t delete contacts from read-only accounts, but you can hide them in your contacts lists

If you see message like «You can’t delete contacts from read-only accounts, but you can hide them in your contacts lists.» when you trying to delete some contact from your Android phone, this means that some another app is synced with your contact list and blocking it. If you are using Viber, that it’s certainly it.

Just open Viber, go to the Settings / General menu and disable an option «Sync contacts».

МіткиМітки:  android, contacts, viber

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utilmind utilmind до Аноніма (*.132.3)   +1-1 Reply
Unfortunately supported versions ends with Delphi 2007. Yes, I am aware that more than 10 years passed and there is new Delphi/BCB versions released, although AppControls not supported officially for modern Delphi by Embarcadero.

The AppControls only works on Delphi versions from 2 to 2007, and only these versions are really supported. Yes, it’s worthless for those who use higher versions and it can be useful only for supporters of some legacy code.
Анонімний коментатор (*.132.3)   +1-1 Reply
So why did you never answer any emails or web contacts regarding your Delphi components? Some way to take care of your customers...leave us with NOTHING even though you still sell your worthless components (who uses D7 any longer?) !