5 benefits of play for work | |
Автор: Ann Green |
1. Reduce pressure, stress at work If you’re under constant pressure, it’s often difficult to concentrate or perform at your best. So, try to have fun to rest your brain in Foodle, stay away from work in a short time and promptly recover to continue working effectively. Reduce pressure and stress at work 2. Develop a variety of social skills In fact, just like children, adults can learn to communicate with dialogue, body language, and learn to cooperate and work better in groups while having fun! 3. Improve Relationships You and your co-workers can build trust and bond with each other through having fun. Since then, in the work, there is always better respect, trust and support for each other. Improve relationships 4. Goodbye sick days Now, having fun can give you time to rest and recuperate during the day, while improving your overall mental and physical health, keeping you in top shape to be productive. fruit. 5. Enhance creativity and productivity |
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