Reduce stress, support treatment of chronic diseases

 A study conducted by the ECU Biofeedback Clinic demonstrated: “Playing games plays an important role in reducing stress and helping to treat depression.” Indeed, the game free games is considered an addictive substance, when players immerse themselves in it, they will forget all the worries and fatigue in daily life. The increase in brain activity when playing games will improve mood, players will feel more relaxed and excited, helping to reduce stress extremely effectively. A reasonable gaming time according to the doctor’s advice for an average person is about 20 minutes a day. In addition, playing games also has an effect on the emotional nerves that exist in the child’s brain, generating positive emotions and forming a natural reflex mechanism of the body. There are many positive effects for children with autism to improve their ability to behave, respond and communicate. In addition, the continuous pressing of the function buttons in the game will help your hands become more flexible. In a scientific study conducted by researchers and a team of surgeons, the results: people who regularly play games have flexible hands and make 37% fewer mistakes than those who do not play games. . In particular, some games are also used as a method of physical therapy to help stroke victims regain control of their hands and wrists.

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We recognize the significance of both compound and isolation movements.
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