By the conditions of the competition, the membership of experts committee being formed strictly in accordance with the original methodics. All experts are guarantee the qualitative and unprejudiced valuation of contest’s participants with their professionalism and the good name.

Specialists of 2017 in “Online stores” category(52)
View “Vika Barva's” profile
Stylist, personal shopper
Voted in 19 nominations.
Abstained in 1 of them.
View “Galina Dmitrovska's” profile
Провідний науковий співробітник НДЧ Національного университету харчових технологій
Gave vote in 86 nominations.
View “Olena Edelkina's” profile
Директор журналу «Брутто»
Brutto magazine
Voted in 85 nominations.
View “Anna Funikova's” profile
Голова авторської академії краси «Счастье» (м. Київ)
Rated the contestants in 19 nominations.
View “Tamara Gerasimenko's” profile
Chief in the “FLAT-cafe” (Kyiv)
Flat cafe
Voted in 4 nominations.
View “Dmitry Ivanov's” profile
Лікар-нефролог, зав. кафедри нефрології і нирково-замісної терапії НМАПО, Заслужений лікар України
Gave vote in 6 nominations.
View “Daria Ivashchuk's” profile
Deputy CMO
Voted in 20 nominations.
Abstained in 7 of them.
View “Lidia Kolotova's” profile
Мама і домогосподарка, спеціалістка з товарів для дітей
Gave vote in 24 nominations.
View “Sergiy Koval's” profile, director
Rated the contestants in 19 nominations.
View “Olesya Krasavtseva's” profile
Авторка блогу про моду «Стильний блог Лесіти»,
Rated the contestants in 32 nominations.
View “Natalia Lukyanets's” profile
Gave vote in 10 nominations.
View “Lidia Markova's” profile
MPR Communications Group, general director
Rated the contestants in 93 nominations.
View “Mykola Mostipanskiy's” profile
Керівник інтернет-магазину “НаноТех” (освітлення, опалення, водопостачання, каналізація)
Rated the contestants in 13 nominations.
View “Eduard Nasyrov's” profile
Незалежний кулінарний блогер, експерт у «Сніданок на 1+1», автор проекту Happyfood
Gave vote in 127 nominations.
View “Anastasiya Oleksiienko's” profile
Fashion blogger,
Voted in 17 nominations.
View “Marina Osaula's” profile
PR manager of UMMG Recording Studio
Gave vote in 10 nominations.
View “Olga Pecharskaia's” profile
Specialist in children’s products, mother of four children and a housewife
Voted in 62 nominations.
Abstained in 4 of them.
View “Valentina Plotnizkaya's” profile
Керівник авторської візаж-студії
Gave vote in 14 nominations.
View “Julia Romanova's” profile
Make up artist,
Voted in 17 nominations.
View “Irina Rybachuk's” profile
Interior designer
Voted in 24 nominations.
View “Kirill Savchenko's” profile
Стиліст, журнали Pink, XXL, JOY & Glory
Voted in 78 nominations.
Abstained in 12 of them.
View “Yuriy Skolozdra's” profile
Rated the contestants in 36 nominations.
View “Kseniia Tryniak's” profile
Блогер, креативщик, керівник проекту, онлайн-платформи про професіоналах архітектурно-інтерьерного ринку і про все, що їх оточує.
Voted in 39 nominations.
Abstained in 4 of them.
View “Yuliya Yarmarkina's” profile
Online-journal «Star Brothers»
Voted in 32 nominations.
Abstained in 2 of them.
View “Maryna Maievska's” profile Drinks+ Communication Media Group Chief Editor, restaurant observer
Voted in 72 nominations.
Abstained in 4 of them.
View “Angelina Morozova's” profile Стиліст, візажист, перукар
Rated the contestants in 16 nominations.
View “Elena Muller's” profile Автор б’юті-блогу, журналіст, модель
Rated the contestants in 24 nominations.
View “Anna Ponomarenko's” profile Автор блогу, засновниця Школи краси MakeUBeauty
Rated the contestants in 27 nominations.
View “Daria Shelest's” profile Візажист-стиліст
Voted in 53 nominations.
Abstained in 1 of them.
View “Alexander Shishko's” profile Service manager in Technari service network
Technari, service network
Rated the contestants in 14 nominations.
View “Dmitriy Trotsenko's” profile Засновник і керівник BODOCARD — мультібрендового подарункового сертіфіката
Rated the contestants in 15 nominations.

Note The information provided on this page was actual during the contest’s researches in 2017, and currently this is an archived information. Keep in mind that time does not stand still: people make a career, change jobs or even a profession, so accordingly, the information about the jury members could subsequently change during the time.