This category presents the companies and trade establishments of Kyiv.
Only Kyiv people can evaluate the nominants. Residents of other regions, guests of the capital, are unable to vote, but can freely browse the results, or leave their opinions.
Coat of arms of Kiev
Consumers survey results of for 1 quarter of 2024 in category
Appliances stores / Supermarket of digital electronics
Info The annual ratings by results of Consumers survey calculated as average arithmetic mean rank, obtained in each of 4 quarters of year.
I quarter (january—march)
II quarter (april—june)
III quarter (july—september)
IV quarter (october—december)
1. MOYO Link 100.00% 5
View results of current, 2025 year  Show all stores
Is the list of participants incomplete or inaccurate?
Some participant is not listed, or vise versa, it's necessary to remove the nominee which has gone out of market? Please inform the organizers of the survey about that!

Normed consumer's score are calculated by 5-score scale, accordingly to the methodic of the research.
Notice Using this rating is only possible with obligatory link to the source.  Details…
Leader of this rating has an opportunity to get benefits of the rights and privileges of winner, the “Favorite of Consumers”. The winner may be represented in the status of the best choice in the category “Supermarket of digital electronics”, and receive an award, a gold medal Favorite of Success – 2024, on an annual awards ceremony, along with the right to use its image in the advertising and labeling.  Details…
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Solti Solti
Замовляю продукцію Dell тут
Modified by author,
Олег (*.42.97)
Досить мало тут компаній, як на розділ магазинів техніки. Корисно було б перехрещення категорій, щоб магазин типу iOn потрапили і в розділи Життя міста і в Послуги, а також в категорії, як от Інтернет-магазин
Modified by author,
detektorilji detektorilji
Нужно ещё добавить раздел интернет-магазины сетевого оборудования и добавить туда 2 магазина – и
Тамарец (*.103.26) comments on (Unitrade Group)
Мне больше нравится магазин Denika – у них очень хорошие цены на технику. Даже если сравнить стоимость ТВ приставки в Денике и в Мойо – разница более чем ощутима.
NatalkaD NatalkaD comments negatively on (Unitrade Group)
Не советую СитиКом..
там товар б/у
Kaтo Kaтo
Дякую, Дізналась про нові імена для себе на українському ринку
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