Warning! Some dynamic elements of this web page could not display and run correctly, because the JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Details... Survey Poll Results – 2023 Hotels & Hostels: City hotel (Kyiv) Please choose in list up to 5 hotels, which you by personal experience consider the best, most trustworthy and would recommend to your friend. Favor Park Info Holiday Inn Info Hyatt Regency Kyiv Info ibis Kiev City Center (3*) Ramada Encore Kiev Info Ukraine (4*) Info Show 74 more less known hotels Less known participants — those who didn't get any vote during 3 last calendar quarters. Perhaps these hotels already out of business and they should be removed from the poll? Let organizers know about this! 7 days (3*) Info Adria (3*) Info All+together (3*) Alphavito Info Andreevskiy (2*) Bakkara Art-hotel Info Borispol’ (3*) Bratislava (3*) Info Bursa Info CityHotel Info Dnepr (4*) Info Dniprovskiy (4*) Domus Hotel (3*) Druzhba (3*) Ekos Express (3*) Fairmont Grand Hotel Kyiv Info Holosiyvsky (2*) Impressa (4*) Intercontinental Kyiv Info Khreschatik (3*) Info Kozatskiy (3*) Kyiv (3*) Lavilia Mercure Kyiv Congress Hotel Info Mir (3*) Natsionalny (4*) NyvkyPlaza Info Podol Plaza Info Premier Palace Info President Hotel (4*) Info Prolisok Info Radisson Blu Hotel, Kyiv Info Riviera Sherborne Guest House Info Sofyevsky Posad Info Sunflower B&B Hotel Імас Info Атташе Борисфен Верховина Info Воздвиженський (2*) Дельта Info Джинтама Золотий берег (2*) Камелот Київ 365 Info Кооператор (2*) Космополитъ Info Кут Ландхаус Либідь Мисливський двір Оберіг Оболонь Олександрія (2*) Оленка (2*) Info Опера (5*) Info Оселя Info Піано Парк-готель Перлина Дніпра Предслава Русь Info Салют Санкт-Петербург Седьмое небо Славутич Info Соня Спартак Спорт Турист Info Феофанія Чорне море Info Hide unpopular hotels I'm not sure. I abstain from assessing and just want to see the results of the poll, to take recommendations. Submit vote! Addhotel Deletehotel It looks like you are not registered yet on FAVOR.com.ua. After submitting the vote you will have to identify yourself to make the vote counted. Edit comment Changed text: Anonymous unregistered users can edit their messages during only 15 minutes after publication. Comments(6)Add comment… all in a row | positive | negativeReply to Your Name: (not necessarily) or Your E-mail: (to receive responses) You may sign in using: Your Comment Hotel Aye Nay 7 days (3*)Adria (3*)All+together (3*)Alphavito (ALFAVITO Kyiv Hotel)Andreevskiy (2*)Bakkara Art-hotelBorispol’ (3*)Bratislava (3*)BursaCityHotelDnepr (4*)Dniprovskiy (4*)Domus Hotel (3*)Druzhba (3*)EkosExpress (3*)Fairmont Grand Hotel KyivFavor ParkHoliday Inn (Intercontinental Kyiv)Holosiyvsky (2*)Hyatt Regency Kyivibis Kiev City Center (3*)Impressa (4*)Intercontinental KyivKhreschatik (3*)Kozatskiy (3*)Kyiv (3*)LaviliaMercure Kyiv Congress HotelMir (3*)Natsionalny (4*)NyvkyPlazaPodol PlazaPremier PalacePresident Hotel (4*)Prolisok (Туристичний комплекс «Пролісок»)Radisson Blu Hotel, KyivRamada Encore KievRivieraSherborne Guest HouseSofyevsky PosadSunflower B&B HotelUkraine (4*)ІмасАтташеБорисфенВерховинаВоздвиженський (2*)ДельтаДжинтамаЗолотий берег (2*)КамелотКиїв 365 (Все включено)Кооператор (2*)КосмополитъКутЛандхаусЛибідьМисливський двірОберігОболоньОлександрія (2*)Оленка (2*)Опера (5*)ОселяПіаноПарк-готельПерлина ДніпраПредславаРусь (Rus Hotel)СалютСанкт-ПетербургСедьмое небоСлавутич (Slavutich hotel)СоняСпартакСпортТурист («Tourist» Hotel)ФеофаніяЧорне море (Black Sea Hotels Group) Enter digits displayed on picture *: Please be polite! Although that modertors of this web-portal are excessively democratic, any unethical, unqotable or just rude expressions, which abuse other visitors of this web site, can be deleted. Also will be deleted any spam and public comments with private phone numbers.No negative comments yet… Be the first to leave comment on this topic!Add comment Reply to Your Name: (not necessarily) or Your E-mail: (to receive responses) You may sign in using: Your Comment Hotel Aye Nay 7 days (3*)Adria (3*)All+together (3*)Alphavito (ALFAVITO Kyiv Hotel)Andreevskiy (2*)Bakkara Art-hotelBorispol’ (3*)Bratislava (3*)BursaCityHotelDnepr (4*)Dniprovskiy (4*)Domus Hotel (3*)Druzhba (3*)EkosExpress (3*)Fairmont Grand Hotel KyivFavor ParkHoliday Inn (Intercontinental Kyiv)Holosiyvsky (2*)Hyatt Regency Kyivibis Kiev City Center (3*)Impressa (4*)Intercontinental KyivKhreschatik (3*)Kozatskiy (3*)Kyiv (3*)LaviliaMercure Kyiv Congress HotelMir (3*)Natsionalny (4*)NyvkyPlazaPodol PlazaPremier PalacePresident Hotel (4*)Prolisok (Туристичний комплекс «Пролісок»)Radisson Blu Hotel, KyivRamada Encore KievRivieraSherborne Guest HouseSofyevsky PosadSunflower B&B HotelUkraine (4*)ІмасАтташеБорисфенВерховинаВоздвиженський (2*)ДельтаДжинтамаЗолотий берег (2*)КамелотКиїв 365 (Все включено)Кооператор (2*)КосмополитъКутЛандхаусЛибідьМисливський двірОберігОболоньОлександрія (2*)Оленка (2*)Опера (5*)ОселяПіаноПарк-готельПерлина ДніпраПредславаРусь (Rus Hotel)СалютСанкт-ПетербургСедьмое небоСлавутич (Slavutich hotel)СоняСпартакСпортТурист («Tourist» Hotel)ФеофаніяЧорне море (Black Sea Hotels Group) Enter digits displayed on picture *: Please be polite! Although that modertors of this web-portal are excessively democratic, any unethical, unqotable or just rude expressions, which abuse other visitors of this web site, can be deleted. Also will be deleted any spam and public comments with private phone numbers. RSS-feed