In 2013, the contenders in “Business class Premium (E)” category has been evaluated by 14 members of Celebrities Jury:
Alexander Andryushchenko
Photographer, photojournalist
Galina Bezruk
Singer, actress
Dmitriy Chekmarev
Клавішник інтернаціональної групи PERSONA GRATA
Dmytro Harbuz
Співак, актор
Konstantin Imedaishvili
Vocal, bass-guitar, international group of the PERSONA GRATA
Zakhar Klimenko
Співак, керівник музичного Інтернет-порталу «На всі 100»
Slava Kolodyazhniy
SKmusic Production
Lilia Rebryk
Актриса, телеведуча
Tatyana Shalman
Associate of the Institute of Journalism of Taras Shevchenko, Candidate of Philology, President of the Association of private investors and owners, Head of Kyiv Regional Organization «Consumers Union of Ukraine,» the head of a media project «Spozhyvach
Dasha Tregubova
Телеведуча, режисер
Lina Veres
Founder and director of Foresight ballet. Foresight Art Group
Angelina Zavalska
Співачка, композиторка, телеведуча
Eugene Zhebko
Pur:Pur music band, composer
Співак, учасник дуету «Київелектро»