Other years results
Other years ratings in the “ Instant noodles
Experts in this category 
In 2013, the contenders in “Instant noodles” category has been evaluated by 5 experts-professionals:
Celebrities Jury 
In 2013, the contenders in “Instant noodles” category has been evaluated by 12 members of Celebrities Jury:
Alexander Andryushchenko
Photographer, photojournalist
Galina Bezruk
Singer, actress
Katya Buzhinska
Ilo Djikia
Frontman, solo-guitare, international band PERSONA GRATA
Dmytro Harbuz
Співак, актор
Karina Plai
Anzhelika Rudnytska
Телеведуча і авторка музичної телепрограми «Територія А», співачка, художниця, президент Фонду відродження культурного середовища Києва
Tatyana Shalman
Associate of the Institute of Journalism of Taras Shevchenko, Candidate of Philology, President of the Association of private investors and owners, Head of Kyiv Regional Organization «Consumers Union of Ukraine,» the head of a media project «Spozhyvach
Nata Smirina
singer, songwriter, Pur:Pur music band
Vyacheslav Solomka
Actor and TV-host
Olga Yunakova
Міхо Буадзе
Музикант, ударні, група PERSONA GRATA