ТМ Premialle – milk ideal!
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ТМ Premialle – milk ideal!

In May 2013, Ukrainian viewers saw a first ever advertisement communication to promote TM Premialle on TV. The 40 second long story, created by Ronald Koetzier and Adventa Lowe agency, praised poetically all the qualities and advantages of selected glass bottled milk. TM Premialle products have been manufactured since 2008 at Bila Tserkva dairy, which forms part of TERRA FOOD Group.

Premialle is a song of glass and milk: beautiful, refined, and tasteful. Having discussed the approach to rendering the idea on the screen, the creative teamwork unanimously resolved: «All those things suggested in the plot and relating to glass and milk will, indeed, be made by means of… glass and milk!» The next step was to walk the talk. Thus, almost 500 litres of milk was spilled on the studio set. This is milk that flows from and into purposely made glass figures. It is nothing but milk that makes the dancing heroine’s dress get vivid and play. Importantly, no computer generated images were used here! As a result, what is going on in the promo strikes viewers by its genuine beauty. See here for yourselves.

 «Premialle video turned out extraordinary. Even in Western Europe no one ever used glass techniques. Milk that is spilled in picture has no longer been a wonder. Apparently, this was the first promo video to have fresh milk spilled within some complicated volumetric glass forms. This very piece of work makes me extremely proud», shares his impressions Ronald Koetzier, the director. His creative portfolio includes dozens of masterpieces for world’s top food brands.

 «Adventa Lowе agency won a serious tender having submitted a unique idea of showing how naturally milk and glass can exist in tandem. So, one of the best and most experienced directors in Europe was invited to put it into life. Furthermore, only one team of glassblowers in the entire country agreed to make glass forms. They were given a challenging task: to create communicating vessels, hollow on the inside, and simultaneously inspirit the artist’s sketches in glass. That worked out well! In picture, our best milk spills into real masterpieces. Everything looks effortless and unconstrained only due to professionalism and determination observed by the whole team. Filming itself was technically complicated. Nevertheless, sleepless nights and heated arguments did not go off uselessly. On the screen we can see what matters most of all: ТМ Premialle milk is ideal, it speaks for itself,» says Marianna Glotova, TERRA FOOD Group Marketing and Sales Director.

As Anton Savchuk, Adventa Lowе’s Head of Creative Group, tells: «Long before meeting the client, all we were deep in love with the only right milk packed in glass. Therefore, every time that milk had to be spilled for the sake of filming, we cried bitter tears over each single litre. Actually, our true love for the product that eventually developed into idealism, guaranteed success to such a wonderful promo. We resorted to no single plastic form in the picture. We were sweating over the post, rejecting approach after approach, for they looked little enchanting. In order to find a perfect match of form and substance we tried our hand in various metres: from haiku to short stories. We only wished it was ideal!»

 «Five years ago, Premialle brand brought back milk in a glass bottle to Ukrainian consumers. Bila Tserkva dairy was designed, built virtually from scratch in compliance with major international standards and equipped with the most advanced machinery to serve this only purpose: manufacture top quality dairy products. We introduced a segment of premium class milk products in Ukraine and became one of its leaders. Most importantly, we have won people’s loyalty with no advertising support, with products of high quality alone. And now, on the eve of its fifth anniversary, Premialle got a role in a mini-film as a well deserved present. We believe it will help Premialle strengthen its leading position in the market. Especially as we are not going to stop and get satisfied with what has been achieved to date. At the start of the year, two new packaging lines to produce live Premialle MaxiFruit yoghurts with 30% berry/fruit content were installed, as well as thermostatic lines to manufacture dairy products in a glass jar,» says Vadym Chaharovskyi, the one in charge of TERRA FOOD’s fresh milk business unit.

 ТМ Premialle team, TERRA FOOD:

Marianna Glotova, Group Marketing and Sales Director at TERRA FOOD Holding Company

Ihor Yanytskyi, Marketing Director at BTD (at the time the TV commercial was being made)

Natalia Petryk, Brand Manager at BTD

Adventa Lowе team:

Oleksiy Pasichnyk, Creative Director

Anton Savchuk, Head of Creative Group

Vasyl Moldavchuk, Oleh Prystupa, Art Directors

Tanya Chichkan, Copywriter

Zhanna Sydorska, Group Account Director

Iryna Deniak, Account Manager

Ivan Honcharuk, Head of TV production

Ronald Koetzier, Director

 Lime Lite Studio, production studio

Albert Zurashvili, Executive producer

Vlad Bolelov, Line Producer

03037, Украина, г. Киев, ул. Зеленогорская, 8
Phone: (044) 594 70 41 (приёмная)

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