By the conditions of the competition, the membership of experts committee being formed strictly in accordance with the original methodics. All experts are guarantee the qualitative and unprejudiced valuation of contest’s participants with their professionalism and the good name. |
Голова редакційної ради автомобільного видання «За рулем – Украина» | |
Gave vote in 25 nominations. |
Редактор відділу економіки газети «Комсомольская правда – Украина» | |
Rated the contestants in 4 nominations. |
Редактор журналу «Дистрибуция и логистика» | |
Voted in 3 nominations. |
Sergey Gulchuk Директор XI GROUP
Voted in 8 nominations. |
Financial analyst | |
Voted in 8 nominations. |
Головний редактор, | |
Rated the contestants in 9 nominations. |
Author and the Leader of TV-Program «autoEVO» and Editor in Chief car-magazine «autoEVO» | |
Voted in 22 nominations. Abstained in 2 of them. |
Автор і ведучий Technopark TV (телепрограма про електронну техніку, IT, мобильну телефонію, фото-, аудіо-видео, кухонну і побутову техніку) | |
Voted in 15 nominations. Abstained in 1 of them. |
Head of Marketing (National Company «Meest-Express») | |
Gave vote in 9 nominations. |
«Virus of Freedom» magazine | |
Rated the contestants in 13 nominations. |
Начальник транспортного відділу ТОВ «Небеса» | |
Gave vote in 44 nominations. |
Керівник відділу розвитку мережі СТО «АІС» | |
Voted in 24 nominations. Abstained in 8 of them. |
Редактор рубрики «Профиль денег» — суспільно-політичного видання «Профіль-Україна» | |
Gave vote in 19 nominations. |
Директор компанії «Таксі Шансон» | |
Voted in 21 nominations. |
general producer first automotive tv channel | |
Voted in 21 nominations. Abstained in 3 of them. |
Head of Marketing in «Target Media Group Ukraine» Advertising Agency | |
Voted in 34 nominations. Abstained in 14 of them. |
«Forbes» magazine reporter | |
Rated the contestants in 4 nominations. |
Oksana Yakovleva Виконавчий директор транспортної компанії «ДПД Україна» | |
Gave vote in 6 nominations. |
Партнер та виконавчий директор компанії «Маанімо Україна» | |
Voted in 3 nominations. |
Керівник управління платіжних карт банку «Піреус Банк» | |
Voted in 10 nominations. Abstained in 1 of them. |
Банкір, провідний спеціалист банку «Кредит Дніпро» | |
Voted in 8 nominations. Abstained in 2 of them. |
The information provided on this page was actual during the contest’s researches in 2011, and currently this is an archived information. Keep in mind that time does not stand still: people make a career, change jobs or even a profession, so accordingly, the information about the jury members could subsequently change during the time. |