By the conditions of the competition, the membership of experts committee being formed strictly in accordance with the original methodics. All experts are guarantee the qualitative and unprejudiced valuation of contest’s participants with their professionalism and the good name.

Specialists of 2015 in “Financial services” category(25)
View “Olesya Khoshobina's” profile
Ділова журналістка, ВД «Галицькі контракти», Medical & Health Tourism Magazine
Voted in 20 nominations.
View “Igor Kulakov's” profile
Редактор проекту, присвяченого новітнім технологіям в Мережі, новинам телеком-ринку та гаджетам
Voted in 33 nominations.
View “Roman Pavlishen's” profile
Online Marketing Director in United Online Ventures
Voted in 53 nominations.
Abstained in 1 of them.
View “Konstantin Skipor's” profile
General manager of Autoacademy of Driving Skills
Academy of driving skills
Voted in 31 nominations.
Abstained in 1 of them.
View “Yuriy Skolozdra's” profile
Rated the contestants in 21 nominations.
View “Dmitriy Sukachov's” profile
Директор компанії «Таксі Шансон»
Voted in 32 nominations.
Abstained in 1 of them.
View “Олена Лаговська's” profile
Female Coach of personal growth, an expert on family time management, website editor and site, motivational speaker, consultant Flaymama.
Rated the contestants in 79 nominations.
View “Marina Gritsenko's” profile Журналістка порталу
Rated the contestants in 46 nominations.

Note The information provided on this page was actual during the contest’s researches in 2015, and currently this is an archived information. Keep in mind that time does not stand still: people make a career, change jobs or even a profession, so accordingly, the information about the jury members could subsequently change during the time.