Pending audit resultsThe survey results in this category is currently being tested by independent auditors: a marketing research company InMind and the Kiev International Institute of Sociology (KIIS).
Complete, comprehensive ratings of contestants will be available at public shortly after processing the questionnaires of Experts and Celebrities Juri’s. Prior to completion of the audit, only results of survey of an Internet-auditory are available.
InMind and KIIS
The total survey results of 2023 by the integrated assestment in category
Stores, supermarkets, trade centers / Cosmetics and perfumery store
Info Integrated, “absolute” ratings is calculated by survey results of 3 respondent groups.   Details…
Consumers (40%)
Experts (40%)
Celebrities (20%)
Eva Link 5
2. L’Occitane Link 4.38
2. Niche Link 4.38
Glossary Link 3.13
Watsons Link 3.13
ProStor Link 1.25
6. Solo Link 1.25
Космо Link 1.25
View results of current, 2025 year  Show all stores
Is the list of participants incomplete or inaccurate?
Some participant is not listed, or vise versa, it's necessary to remove the nominee which has gone out of market? Please inform the organizers of the survey about that!

Normed consumer's score are calculated by 5-score scale, accordingly to the methodic of the research.
The participant which took the 1st place in this rating is by aggregate opinion of all three respondent groups is the best choice in 2023, the absolute recommendation of #1 in the category “Cosmetics and perfumery store”.
Using this rating is only possible with obligatory link to the source.  Details…
Leader of this rating has an opportunity to get benefits of the rights and privileges of winner, the “Absolute Favorite”. The winner may be represented in the status of the best choice in the category “Cosmetics and perfumery store”, and receive an award, a gold medal Favorite of Success – 2023, on an annual awards ceremony, along with the right to use its image in the advertising and labeling.  Details…
all in a row | positive | negative
Mишeль Mишeль
Балдею от духов Роял Парфумс, мои любимые –
Богдан (*.113.166) comments positively on Бомонд
Покупал девушке в Брокарде качество отличное. Себе брал туалетную воду в интернет-магазине парфюмерии.
Christina Christina comments positively on Eva (РУШ, ТОВ)
Радует качество товара и цены
KarolinaV KarolinaV comments on Brocard
Очень нравится Брокард, и обслуживанием и товаром. Молодцы!
Ljussi Ljussi +1
Космо нравится
AngelZNTU128 AngelZNTU128 comments positively on Yves Rocher +1
Ив Роше!!!
вepoникa вepoникa +1
Нравится Космо, но дешевле всего в Белой Вороне=)))))))
Mars007 Mars007 comments positively on Watsons
За Watsons!
Любaш Любaш
В ДЦ – дорого – в любом магазине даже не специализированом дешевле!!
Christina Christina
Космо и ДЦ!
amazonka (*.86.0) comments negatively on Watsons
Проблема в дц неискоренимая — несоответствие ценников! Я люблю сюрпризы, но не тогда, когда меня "сюрпризят" на 15 гривен за какие-то тапочки!
Майя (*.63.196) comments negatively on Watsons
А мне в ДЦ попадался просроченный товар. А именно шампунь Yang с маркой "только в ДЦ". Жаль, я не увидела этого еще в магазине.
lena-dovgal lena-dovgal comments positively on Космо (Sumatra)
Для меня — это "Космо". В "ДЦ" частенько несоответствие ценника на кассе и в торговом зале
Любaшкa Любaшкa comments positively on Watsons
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