By the conditions of the competition, the membership of experts committee being formed strictly in accordance with the original methodics. All experts are guarantee the qualitative and unprejudiced valuation of contest’s participants with their professionalism and the good name.

Specialists of 2010 in “Drinks” category(25)
View “Vitaly Anastas’ev's” profile
sales manager
Rated the contestants in 84 nominations.
View “Vardkes Arzumanyan's” profile
Restaurant owner, “Centaurus”, “Taron”, “Mons Pius”
Voted in 127 nominations.
Abstained in 52 of them.
View “Svetlana Berzina's” profile
Президент Всеукраїнської організації «Жива планета»
Voted in 145 nominations.
Abstained in 6 of them.
View “Irina Brusentsova's” profile
Інженер-технолог громадського харчування
Gave vote in 18 nominations.
View “Aleksey Chusov's” profile
Сомельє, бармен, сервіс-менеджер ресторану
Gave vote in 13 nominations.
View “Tamara Gerasimenko's” profile
Директор кафе-бару «Флет» (м. Київ)
Flat cafe
Gave vote in 143 nominations.
View “Galina Karachintseva's” profile
Galina Karachintseva
Спеціалістка з технологій та організації кондитерського виробництва
Voted in 84 nominations.
Abstained in 8 of them.
View “Sergey Kozinets's” profile
Voted in 33 nominations.
View “Yuriy Levin's” profile
Кондитер, фуд-стиліст
Rated the contestants in 84 nominations.
View “Vitaliy Linnyk's” profile
Voted in 97 nominations.
Abstained in 29 of them.
View “Natalia Samoylenko's” profile
Лікар дієтолог-ендокринолог Київського міського центру здоров’я
Rated the contestants in 10 nominations.
View “Volodymir Shamaev's” profile
Спеціаліст з професійної технології кави еспресо, автор блогу про каву
Voted in 9 nominations.
Abstained in 5 of them.
View “Tatiana Sheketa's” profile
Власник мережі кав’ярень
Rated the contestants in 3 nominations.
View “Volodymyr Shevyakov's” profile
Voted in 22 nominations.
Abstained in 1 of them.
View “Valeria Trufakina's” profile
Wine writer
Rated the contestants in 1 nomination.
View “Наталія Маньковська's” profile
Бізнес-консультант з організації роздрібної торгівлі побутовими товарами та продуктами харчування
Voted in 131 nominations.
Abstained in 7 of them.
View “Igor Bragin's” profile Президент Київської асоціації шеф-поварів
Voted in 12 nominations.

Note The information provided on this page was actual during the contest’s researches in 2010, and currently this is an archived information. Keep in mind that time does not stand still: people make a career, change jobs or even a profession, so accordingly, the information about the jury members could subsequently change during the time.